(c) Tobias Hossfeld (Aug 2021)
This script and the figures are part of the following book. The book is to be cited whenever the script is used (copyright CC BY-SA 4.0):
Tran-Gia, P. & Hossfeld, T. (2021). Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks - A Lecture Note. Würzburg University Press. https://doi.org/10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-153-2
The M/M/n delay system represents a fundamental queueing system. The steady state probabilities $x(i)$ for $i=0,...,n$ can be derived based on the analysis of Markov systems. The system consists of $n$ parallel servers and an infinite waiting room. Customers arrive according to a Poisson process with rate $\lambda$. The service time $B$ is exponentially distributed with mean $E[B]=1/\mu$.
The offered load is $a=\lambda E[B]=\frac{\lambda}{\mu}$. The utilization is identical to the normalized offered traffic $\rho=a/n$. The state probabilities are:
$ x(i) = \begin{cases} x(0) \displaystyle\frac{a^i}{i!} \; , & i=0,1,...,n\\ \\ x(0) \displaystyle\frac{a^n}{n!} \left({\frac{a}{n}} \right)^{i-n} = x(n) {\rho}^{i-n} \; , & i>n \end{cases} \\ \Big(x(0)\Big)^{-1} = \displaystyle\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}\frac{a^k}{k!} + \frac{a^n}{n!} \frac{1}{1-\rho}\;. $
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import gamma, binom, factorial
# State probabilites
def mmn_delay_xi(n,a,xmax): # computation for M/M/n system and single value of n
rho = a/n
xi = np.zeros(xmax+1)
k = np.arange(0,n)
tmp = np.sum(a**k/factorial(k))+a**n/factorial(n)/(1-rho)
xi[0] = 1.0 / tmp
k = np.arange(1,n+1)
xi[k] = xi[0]*a**k/factorial(k)
k = np.arange(n+1, xmax+1)
xi[k] = xi[n]*rho**(k-n)
return xi
rhos = np.array([0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9])[::-1]
n = 10
xmax = 30
i = np.arange(xmax+1)
ymax = 0.3
offeredLoad = rhos*n
for k, (rho,a) in enumerate(zip(rhos,offeredLoad)):
plt.plot(i, mmn_delay_xi(n,a,xmax), '.-', label=rho)
plt.xlabel('system state $i$')
plt.legend(title='utilization $\\rho$');
# logarithmic scale with geometric trail
for k, (rho,a) in enumerate(zip(rhos,offeredLoad)):
plt.plot(i, mmn_delay_xi(n,a,xmax), '.-', label=rho)
plt.xlabel('system state $i$')
plt.legend(title='utilization $\\rho$');
An arriving customer has to enter the queue when all servers are occupied at the time of arrival. The corresponding waiting probability $p_W$ is thus
$ p_W = \sum\limits_{i=n}^{\infty} x(i) \, = \, x(n)\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\infty} {\rho}^i \, = \, x(n) \; \frac{1}{1-\rho} $
def pw(a, n):
xi = mmn_delay_xi(n,a,n)
return xi[n]/(1-a/n)
rhos = np.linspace(1e-5,1-1e-5,201)
myn = np.array([1,2,5,10,20,100])
pws = np.zeros((len(myn),len(rhos)))
for i,rho in enumerate(rhos):
for k,n in enumerate(myn):
a = rho*n
pws[k,i] = pw(a,n)
for k,n in enumerate(myn):
plt.plot(rhos, pws[k,:], label=n)
plt.xlabel('utilization $\\rho=a/n$')
plt.ylim([1e-4, 1])
plt.legend(title='#servers $n$');
The mean waiting time of all customers $E[W]$ and of waiting customers $E[W_1]$ can be derived using Little's law.
The mean queue length is $ \Omega = E[X_W] =p_W \cdot \frac{\rho}{1-\rho}\,. $
The server utilization is $ \rho = E[X_B] = \lambda/\mu = \lambda E[B]$
The mean number of customers in the system is $E[X]=E[X_W]+E[X_B]=\Omega+\rho$.
According to Little: $\Omega+\rho = \lambda \cdot (E[W]+E[B]) = \lambda E[W] + \rho$
Hence, the mean waiting time of all customers follows: $E[W] = \frac{\Omega}{\lambda}$
The waiting probability is $p_W$. The mean waiting time of waiting customers follows from Little: $\Omega = p_W \cdot \lambda \cdot E[W_1]$
$E[W_1] = \displaystyle\frac{\Omega}{\lambda \cdot p_W} = \frac{1}{\lambda} \cdot \frac{\rho}{1-\rho} = \frac{E[W]}{p_W} $
def meanQueueLength(a,n):
rho = a/n
return pw(a,n)*rho/(1.0-rho)
def EW(a,n,lam):
return meanQueueLength(a, n)/lam
def EW1(a,n,lam):
rho = a/n
return rho/(1.0-rho)/lam
myn = [1,2,4,20]
rhos = np.linspace(0.4,0.95,101)
lam = 1
for k,n in enumerate(myn):
a = rhos*n
EB = a/lam
plt.plot(rhos, EW1(a,n,lam)/EB, label=n)
plt.xlabel('utilization $\\rho$')
plt.legend(title='#servers $n$');