(c) Tobias Hossfeld (Aug 2021)
This script and the figures are part of the following book. The book is to be cited whenever the script is used (copyright CC BY-SA 4.0):
Tran-Gia, P. & Hossfeld, T. (2021). Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks - A Lecture Note. Würzburg University Press. https://doi.org/10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-153-2
We consider now a model with batch service and threshold control: M/GI$^{[\Theta,K]}$/1-S A work station processes a batch of jobs jointly (batch service). At most $K$ jobs can be processed during batch service. However, the work station is first activated if there are enough jobs available to be processed (threshold control). This threshold $\Theta$ when to activate the service controls the efficiency of the system as well as the wait and response time for jobs. For manufacturing systems, it may be more cost-efficient to run the machine for a minimum number $\Theta$ of jobs, while the processing capacity $K$ as well as the waiting space $S$ are limited. The system can still be analyzed using the embedded Markov chain technique.
# Definition der Parameter
Theta = 3 # threshold control
K = 8 # maximum batch size
S = 10 # number of waiting places
cB = 0 # coefficient of variation of the service time
rho = 0.9 # normalized offered load
EB = 1.0 # mean service time
mu = 1.0 / EB # service rate
lam = rho * K / EB # arrival rate
epsilon = 1e-16 # power method: accuracy when to stop iterations when comparing means
The random variable $\Gamma$ reflects the number of Poisson arrivals during the service time $B$. As defined in Chapter 3.3.3 "Poisson Arrivals during an Arbitrarily Distributed Interval", it is
$ \Gamma_{GF} (z) = \Phi_B \Big(\lambda (1 - z)\Big) $.
We compute the probability $\gamma(i)=P(\Gamma=i)$ by numerical integration:
$\gamma(i) = \int\limits_{0}^\infty P(\Gamma=i\,|\,B=\tau) {b(\tau) \;d\tau} = \int\limits_{0}^\infty \frac{(\lambda\tau)^i}{i!} e^{-\lambda\tau} b(\tau) \;d\tau $
Depending on the coefficient of variation $c_B$, we use different distributions for the service time $B$:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import lognorm, poisson
from scipy.integrate import quad
if cB==1: # exponential distribution
if False:
gamma_i = np.zeros(S)
for i in np.arange(S):
integrand = lambda t: pdf_b(t)*poisson.pmf(i, lam*t)
gamma_i[i] = quad(integrand, 0, np.inf)[0]
gamma_i[S] = 1-gamma_i[:-1].sum()
i = np.arange(S)
gamma_i = (lam*EB)**i/(1+lam*EB)**(i+1)
elif cB==0: # deterministic distribution
gamma_i = np.zeros(S)
i = np.arange(S)
gamma_i[i] = poisson.pmf(i, lam*EB)
else: # lognormal distribution
std = EB*cB
m = EB
v = std**2
phi = np.sqrt(v + m**2);
#mulogn = np.log(m**2/phi);
sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(phi**2/m**2));
mymu = np.log(m)
scale = np.exp(mymu-(sigma**2)/2)
shape = sigma
pdf_b = lambda t: lognorm.pdf(t, s=shape, scale=scale, loc=0)
cdf_b = lambda t: lognorm.cdf(t, s=shape, scale=scale, loc=0)
gamma_i = np.zeros(S+1)
for i in np.arange(S):
integrand = lambda t: pdf_b(t)*poisson.pmf(i, lam*t)
gamma_i[i] = quad(integrand, 0, np.inf)[0]
The state transition matrix is defined in Chapter 5.5.2 and implemented here.
P = np.zeros((S+1,S+1))
for row in np.arange(len(P)):
for col in np.arange(S+1):
if col==S:
P[row,col] = 1-np.sum(P[row,:col])
if row<=K:
P[row,col] = gamma_i[col]
else: # row >= K+1
offset = row-K
if col<offset:
P[row,col] = 0
P[row,col] = gamma_i[col-offset]
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Visualisierung der Ratenmatrix
def printMatrix(Q):
print(pd.DataFrame(Q)) # pretty display of the matrix using Pandas
Q2 = Q.copy()
plt.matshow(Q2,fignum=4, cmap='Blues')
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 \ 0 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 1 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 2 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 3 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 4 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 5 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 6 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 7 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 8 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 0.144458 9 0.000000 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 0.120382 10 0.000000 0.000000 0.000747 0.005375 0.019352 0.046444 0.083598 7 8 9 10 0 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 1 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 2 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 3 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 4 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 5 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 6 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 7 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 8 0.148586 0.133727 0.106982 0.190350 9 0.144458 0.148586 0.133727 0.297332 10 0.120382 0.144458 0.148586 0.431059
A simple implementation of the power method with the start condition $ X_0 $ and transition matrix $ P $. The accuracy of the power method is achieved by comparing the expected values with accuracy $ \epsilon = 1e-16 $.
We get the steady state probabilities $ X $ at the embedding times.
def powerMethod(X0, P, epsilon):
X_old = np.zeros(S+1)
X1 = X0.copy()
num = 0
EX_old = 0
EX1 = 0
while ( abs(EX_old-EX1) > epsilon ) or (num<5): # at least 5 iterations
X_old = X1.copy()
X1 = X_old @ P # matrix mulitplication
num +=1
EX_old = X_old @ np.arange(S+1) # first moment
EX1 = X1 @ np.arange(S+1)
return X1, num
X0 = np.zeros(S+1)
X0[0] = 1
X, num = powerMethod(X0, P, epsilon)
print(pd.DataFrame({"X": X}))
plt.plot(X, 'o-')
plt.xlabel('jobs in queue X')
X 0 0.000456 1 0.003374 2 0.012673 3 0.032158 4 0.061884 5 0.096117 6 0.125238 7 0.140532 8 0.138404 9 0.121369 10 0.267795
The power method returns the steady state probabilities at the embedding times. We are however interested in the state probabilities $x^*(i)$ at arbitrary times. Due to the PASTA property, it is $x^*(i)=x_A(i)$ for arriving customers.
We define the random variable $X^*_y(i) = P(X^*=i, Y=y)$ with $X^*$ reflecting the number of customers in the waiting queue at an arbitrary time, while $Y$ indicates if the server is active and serving a batch of customers ($Y=1$) or if the server is idle ($Y=0$). The steady state probabilities are then as follows.
$ x^*_0(i) = \frac{\sum_{j=0}^i x(j)}{\lambda E[B] + \sum_{k=0}^i (\Theta-i)x(k) } , \quad 0 \leq i \leq \Theta-1 \\ x^*_1(i) = \frac{\sum_{j=i+1}^{\min(K+i,S)} x(j)}{\lambda E[B] + \sum_{k=0}^i (\Theta-i)x(k) } , \quad 0 \leq i \leq S-1 \\ x^*_1(S) = 1 - \sum_{i=0}^{\Theta-1} x^*_0(i) - \sum_{i=0}^{S-1} x^*_1(i) $
Further system characteristics are obtained from the probabilities in vector $\vec{X}^{\ast}$. The blocking probability is
$ p_B = x^{\ast} (S) \;. $
The mean waiting time in the system is
$ E[W] = \frac{E[X^*]}{\lambda (1-p_B)} \quad \mbox{with}\quad\quad E[X^*] = \sum\limits_{k=0}^S k \cdot x^{\ast} (k) \;. $
In the implementation we have the following variables:
Pn0 = np.zeros(Theta)
i = np.arange(Theta)
nenner = lam*EB + ((Theta-i)*X[i]).sum()
for n in np.arange(Theta):
Pn0[n] = X[:n+1].sum()/nenner
Pn1 = np.zeros(S+1)
for n in np.arange(S):
bound = min(K+n,S)
Pn1[n] = X[n+1:bound+1].sum()/nenner
Pn1[S] = 1 - Pn0.sum() - Pn1.sum()
Pn = Pn1.copy()
Pn[:Theta] += Pn0
pB = Pn[S]
EXstar = Pn @ np.arange(S+1)
EW = EXstar/(lam*(1-pB))
print(f'mean waiting time E[W]: {EW:.4f}')
print(f'blocking probability pB: {pB:.4f}')
print('\nsteady state probabilities at arbitrary times')
print(pd.DataFrame({"X*": Pn}))
plt.plot(X,'o-', label='x(i)')
plt.plot(Pn,'s-', label='$x^*(i)$')
plt.xlabel('number of jobs in queue')
plt.legend(title='state prob.');
mean waiting time E[W]: 0.6151 blocking probability pB: 0.0541 steady state probabilities at arbitrary times X* 0 0.084594 1 0.101402 2 0.138489 3 0.131750 4 0.123180 5 0.109869 6 0.092524 7 0.073062 8 0.053895 9 0.037087 10 0.054148