(c) Tobias Hossfeld (Aug 2021)
This script and the figures are part of the following book. The book is to be cited whenever the script is used (copyright CC BY-SA 4.0):
Tran-Gia, P. & Hossfeld, T. (2021). Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks - A Lecture Note. Würzburg University Press. https://doi.org/10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-153-2
In a GI/GI/n queueing system, the long-term average fraction of idle time for any server is $(1-\rho)$. Consider here the duration of an idle period for the GI/GI/1 queue which is denoted by the random variable $I$. It is tempting to assume that (a) the long-term average fraction of idle time $(1-\rho)$ during two arrivals with mean interarrival time $E[A]$ and (b) the expected idle time $E[I]$ are identical. However, this relation is not valid, since the idle time only manifests after the end of a busy period (composed of several service times and smaller interarrival times; a larger interarrival time ends the busy period and yields an idle period). In fact, the following inequality holds:
$ \displaystyle E[I] \; \geq \; E[A]-E[B] = (1-\rho)E[A] $
We use the following notation for the random variables (r.v.):
r.v. |
explanation |
$A_n$ | interarrival time between customer $n$ and customer $n+1$, |
$B_n$ | service time of the $n$-th customer, |
$U_n^-$ | unfinished work immediately before the arrival of the $n$-th customer, |
$U_n^+$ | unfinished work immediately after the arrival of the $n$-th customer, |
$U_{n+1}^v$ | virtual unfinished work immediately before the arrival of the customer $n+1$. |
The idle time $I_n$ after the completion of the $n$-th customer is a conditional r.v. which is simply the negative part ($k<0$) of the virtual unfinished work $U^v_{n+1}$ immediately before the arrival of the customer $n + 1$. Let us define $Y_{n+1}$ as the difference between the interarrival time $A_n$ and the unfinished work $U_n^+$ immediately after arrival of customer $n$. Then the idle time $I_n$ is the conditional r.v. that there is a positive idle time (otherwise, for $Y_n\leq 0$, the system is in a busy period). Hence, $I_n=Y_n | Y_n>0$.
$ \displaystyle U^v_{n+1} = U_n^+ - A_n = U_n^- + B_n-A_n \\ Y_{n} = -U^v_{n+1} = A_n - (U_n^- + B_n) \\ I_{n} = Y_{n} | Y_{n}>0 \\ i_{n}(k) = \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac{a_n(k) * u_n(-k) * b_n(-k) }{ P(Y_{n}>0)} & \text{ for } k>0 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from discreteTimeAnalysis import *
import math
A = DU(1,9) # interarrival time
B = DU(3,5) # service time
C = B-A
negC = A-B
rho = B.mean()/A.mean()
print(f'System utilization: rho={rho:.2f}');
System utilization: rho=0.80
We iteratively compute the idle time distribution, until the distribution $I$ reaches the steady state.
Un1 = DET(0) # empty system
Un = DET(1) # just for initialization
condition = lambda k: k>0
# iterative computation
while Un != Un1: # comparison based on means of the distributions
Un = Un1
Yn = negC-Un
In = Yn | condition
Un1 = max( Un+C ,0)
plt.xlim([-10, 10])
The following mixture distribution characterizes the interdeparture time $D_n$:
$ \displaystyle D_n = \begin{cases} I_n + B_n & \text{with probability } \; p_I\\ B_n & \text{with probability } \; 1-p_I \end{cases} $
with probability mass function
$ \displaystyle d_n(k) = p_I (i_n(k)*b_n(k)) + (1-p_I) b_n(k) \; . $
Note that the probability that an arriving customer finds the system empty is then also $p_I = 1-p_W = w(0)$ with the waiting time $W$ corresponding to the unfinished work $U$. It is
$ \displaystyle p_I = \frac{E[A]-E[B]}{E[I]} $
pI = (A.mean()-B.mean())/In.mean()
print(f'p_I = {pI:.4f}')
D1 = In+B
D2 = B
D1.plotCDF(label='$I+B$ with prob. $p_I$')
D2.plotCDF(label='$B$ with prob. $1-p_I$')
D = MIX((D1,D2), (pI, 1-pI))
D.plotCDF(label='interdeparture time')
p_I = 0.3579