Chapter 6.4

GI/GI/1 Idle Time Distribution

(c) Tobias Hossfeld (Aug 2021)

This script and the figures are part of the following book. The book is to be cited whenever the script is used (copyright CC BY-SA 4.0):
Tran-Gia, P. & Hossfeld, T. (2021). Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks - A Lecture Note. Würzburg University Press.

In a GI/GI/n queueing system, the long-term average fraction of idle time for any server is $(1-\rho)$. Consider here the duration of an idle period for the GI/GI/1 queue which is denoted by the random variable $I$. It is tempting to assume that (a) the long-term average fraction of idle time $(1-\rho)$ during two arrivals with mean interarrival time $E[A]$ and (b) the expected idle time $E[I]$ are identical. However, this relation is not valid, since the idle time only manifests after the end of a busy period (composed of several service times and smaller interarrival times; a larger interarrival time ends the busy period and yields an idle period). In fact, the following inequality holds:

$ \displaystyle E[I] \; \geq \; E[A]-E[B] = (1-\rho)E[A] $

We use the following notation for the random variables (r.v.):

$A_n$ interarrival time between customer $n$ and customer $n+1$,
$B_n$ service time of the $n$-th customer,
$U_n^-$ unfinished work immediately before the arrival of the $n$-th customer,
$U_n^+$ unfinished work immediately after the arrival of the $n$-th customer,
$U_{n+1}^v$ virtual unfinished work immediately before the arrival of the customer $n+1$.

Computation of the Idle Time Distribution

The idle time $I_n$ after the completion of the $n$-th customer is a conditional r.v. which is simply the negative part ($k<0$) of the virtual unfinished work $U^v_{n+1}$ immediately before the arrival of the customer $n + 1$. Let us define $Y_{n+1}$ as the difference between the interarrival time $A_n$ and the unfinished work $U_n^+$ immediately after arrival of customer $n$. Then the idle time $I_n$ is the conditional r.v. that there is a positive idle time (otherwise, for $Y_n\leq 0$, the system is in a busy period). Hence, $I_n=Y_n | Y_n>0$.

$ \displaystyle U^v_{n+1} = U_n^+ - A_n = U_n^- + B_n-A_n \\ Y_{n} = -U^v_{n+1} = A_n - (U_n^- + B_n) \\ I_{n} = Y_{n} | Y_{n}>0 \\ i_{n}(k) = \begin{cases} \displaystyle \frac{a_n(k) * u_n(-k) * b_n(-k) }{ P(Y_{n}>0)} & \text{ for } k>0 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $

Iterative Computation

We iteratively compute the idle time distribution, until the distribution $I$ reaches the steady state.

Interdeparture Time

The following mixture distribution characterizes the interdeparture time $D_n$:

$ \displaystyle D_n = \begin{cases} I_n + B_n & \text{with probability } \; p_I\\ B_n & \text{with probability } \; 1-p_I \end{cases} $

with probability mass function

$ \displaystyle d_n(k) = p_I (i_n(k)*b_n(k)) + (1-p_I) b_n(k) \; . $

Note that the probability that an arriving customer finds the system empty is then also $p_I = 1-p_W = w(0)$ with the waiting time $W$ corresponding to the unfinished work $U$. It is

$ \displaystyle p_I = \frac{E[A]-E[B]}{E[I]} $