Module discreteTimeAnalysis
The module provides a class for finite discrete distributions which are utilized for discrete-time analysis. For example, discrete-time GI/GI/1 systems can be analyzed with functions of the module.
(c) Tobias Hossfeld (Aug 2021)
This module is part of the following book. The book is to be cited whenever the script is used (copyright CC BY-SA 4.0):
Tran-Gia, P. & Hossfeld, T. (2021). Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks - A Lecture Note. Würzburg University Press.
We can easily define some discrete distribution and do computations with the corresponding random variables. In the example, we consider the sum of two random variables, which requires the convolution of the corresponding probability mass functions. The r.v. A follows a discrete uniform distribution in the range [0;10], while the r.v. B follows a negative binomial distribution, which is defined through the mean and the coefficient of variation.
>>> import discreteTimeAnalysis as dt
>>> A = dt.DU(a=0, b=10) % A ~ DU(0,10)
>>> EX, cX = 2.0, 1.5 % mean EX and coefficient of variation cX
>>> B = dt.NEGBIN(EX, cX) % negative binomial distribution
>>> C = A + B % sum of random variables requires convolution of PMFs
>>> C.plotCDF(label='A+B') % plot the CDF of the sum of A+B
The module overloads the following operators, which make it convenient to implement comprehensive and well understandable code.
operator: The sum of two random variables means the convolution of their probability mass functions.
calls the method DiscreteDistribution.conv()
and is identical to A.conv(B)
, see the example above.
It is also possible to add an integer value (i.e. convolution with a deterministic distribution).
operator: The difference of two random variables means the convolution of their probability mass functions.
calls the method DiscreteDistribution.convNeg()
and is identical to A.convNeg(B)
It is also possible to subtract an integer value (i.e. negative convolution with a deterministic distribution).
operator: The unary minus operator is overloaded. B=-A
returns a DiscreteDistribution
with = -
The two statements are identical: -A+B
and B-A
, if both are discrete distributions.
operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if A.mean() < B.mean()
operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if A.mean() <= B.mean()
operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if A.mean() > B.mean()
operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if A.mean() >= B.mean()
operator: The comparison is done based on means. For the equality comparison, the
threshold value comparisonEQ_eps
is used for numerical reasons.
Returns true if abs( A.mean() - B.mean() ) <= comparisonEQ_eps
. This allows a compact
implementation of the power method.
operator: The comparison is done based on means. For the equality comparison, the
threshold value comparisonEQ_eps
is used for numerical reasons.
Returns true if abs( A.mean() - B.mean() ) > comparisonEQ_eps
. This allows a compact
implementation of the power method.
operator: This operator is used as a shortcut for DiscreteDistribution.conditionalRV()
which returns a conditional random variable.
operator: This provides the pmf on the passed argument. A[x]
is a shortcut for A.pmf(x)
Overloaded Functions
: returns the length of the support of this distribution, i.e. the number of positive probabilities.
: returns a discrete distribution considering the absolute value of the distribution and summing up the probabilities (for negative and positive values).
: returns the maximum of random variables for variable number of input distributions, e.g. max(A1,A2,A3). See max()
: returns the minimum of random variables for variable number of input distributions, e.g. min(A1,A2,A3). See min()
Distance Metrics
The distance between two discrete distributions is available: Jensen-Shannon distance DiscreteDistribution.jsd()
total variation distance DiscreteDistribution.tvd()
; earth mover's distance DiscreteDistribution.emd()
The theory behind the module is described in the book in Chapter 6. The text book is published as open access book and can be downloaded at
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The module provides a class for finite discrete distributions which are utilized for discrete-time analysis.
For example, discrete-time GI/GI/1 systems can be analyzed with functions of the module.
(c) Tobias Hossfeld (Aug 2021)
This module is part of the following book. The book is to be cited whenever the script is used (copyright CC BY-SA 4.0):
>Tran-Gia, P. & Hossfeld, T. (2021).
>Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks - A Lecture Note.
>Würzburg University Press. <br>
We can easily define some discrete distribution and do computations with the corresponding random variables.
In the example, we consider the sum of two random variables, which requires the convolution of the corresponding probability mass functions.
The r.v. A follows a discrete uniform distribution in the range [0;10], while the r.v. B follows a negative binomial distribution,
which is defined through the mean and the coefficient of variation.
>>> import discreteTimeAnalysis as dt
>>> A = dt.DU(a=0, b=10) % A ~ DU(0,10)
>>> EX, cX = 2.0, 1.5 % mean EX and coefficient of variation cX
>>> B = dt.NEGBIN(EX, cX) % negative binomial distribution
>>> C = A + B % sum of random variables requires convolution of PMFs
>>> C.plotCDF(label='A+B') % plot the CDF of the sum of A+B
The module overloads the following operators, which make it convenient to implement comprehensive and well understandable code.
`+` operator: The sum of two random variables means the convolution of their probability mass functions.
`A+B` calls the method `DiscreteDistribution.conv` and is identical to `A.conv(B)`, see the example above.
It is also possible to add an integer value (i.e. convolution with a deterministic distribution).
`-` operator: The difference of two random variables means the convolution of their probability mass functions.
`A-B` calls the method `DiscreteDistribution.convNeg` and is identical to `A.convNeg(B)`.
It is also possible to subtract an integer value (i.e. negative convolution with a deterministic distribution).
`-` operator: The unary minus operator is overloaded. `B=-A` returns a `DiscreteDistribution` with ` = -`.
The two statements are identical: `-A+B` and `B-A`, if both are discrete distributions.
`<` operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if `A.mean() < B.mean()`
`<=` operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if `A.mean() <= B.mean()`
`>` operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if `A.mean() > B.mean()`
`>=` operator: The comparison is done based on means. Returns true if `A.mean() >= B.mean()`
`==` operator: The comparison is done based on means. For the equality comparison, the
threshold value `discreteTimeAnalysis.comparisonEQ_eps` is used for numerical reasons.
Returns true if `abs( A.mean() - B.mean() ) <= comparisonEQ_eps`. This allows a compact
implementation of the power method.
`!=` operator: The comparison is done based on means. For the equality comparison, the
threshold value `discreteTimeAnalysis.comparisonEQ_eps` is used for numerical reasons.
Returns true if `abs( A.mean() - B.mean() ) > comparisonEQ_eps`. This allows a compact
implementation of the power method.
`|` operator: This operator is used as a shortcut for `DiscreteDistribution.conditionalRV` which returns a conditional random variable.
`[]` operator: This provides the pmf on the passed argument. `A[x]` is a shortcut for `A.pmf(x)`.
Overloaded functions
`len(A)`: returns the length of the support of this distribution, i.e. the number of positive probabilities.
`abs(A)`: returns a discrete distribution considering the absolute value of the distribution and summing up the probabilities (for negative and positive values).
`max(**args)`: returns the maximum of random variables for variable number of input distributions, e.g. max(A1,A2,A3). See `max()`.
`min(**args)`: returns the minimum of random variables for variable number of input distributions, e.g. min(A1,A2,A3). See `min()`.
Distance metrics
The distance between two discrete distributions is available: Jensen-Shannon distance `DiscreteDistribution.jsd`;
total variation distance `DiscreteDistribution.tvd`; earth mover's distance `DiscreteDistribution.emd`.
The theory behind the module is described in the book in Chapter 6.
The text book is published as open access book and can be downloaded at
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import time
import numbers
comparisonEQ_eps = 1e-6
"""The variable is used for the numerical comparison of two random variables `A`and `B`.
The comparison `A==B` returns true if `abs( A.mean() - B.mean() ) <= comparisonEQ_eps`. Default value is 1e-6.
class DiscreteDistribution:
r"""The class implements finite discrete distributions representing discrete random variables.
A discrete distribution reflects a random variable \( X \) and is defined
by its probability mass function (PMF). The random variable can take discrete values
which are defined by the numpy array `xk` (sample space). The probability that the random variable
takes a certain value is \( P(X=k)=p_k \). The probabilities are stored in the
numpy array `pk`.
xk : numpy array
Values of the distribution (sample space).
pk : numpy array
Probabilities corresponding to the sample space.
name : string
Arbitrary name of that distribution.
def __init__(self, xk, pk, name='discrete distr.'):
r"""A discrete distribution is initialized with value range `xk`and probabilities `pk`.
For the initialization of a discrete random variable, the sample space `xk` and the corresponding
probabilities `pk` are required. Both parameters are then stored as class attributes in form
of numpy array (one-dimensional). In addition, an arbitrary `name` can be passed to the
distribution which is used when printing an instance of the class, see e.g.
xk : numpy array or list
Values of the distribution.
pk : numpy array or list
Probabilities corresponding to the values: \( P(X=xk)=pk \).
name : string, optional (default 'discrete distr.')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
assert len(xk)==len(pk) # same length
self.xmin = np.min(xk)
self.xmax = np.max(xk)
# adjust to vector xk without gaps
self.xk = np.arange(self.xmin, self.xmax+1, dtype='int') = np.zeros( len(self.xk) )[xk-self.xmin] = pk = name
def mean(self):
r"""Returns the mean value of the distribution \( E[X] \).
Mean value.
return np.sum(self.xk*
def var(self):
r"""Returns the variance of the distribution \( VAR[X] \).
Variance of the distribution.
return np.sum(self.xk**2***2
def std(self):
r"""Returns the standard deviation of the distribution \( {STD}[X]=\sqrt{VAR[X]} \).
Standard deviation of the distribution.
return math.sqrt(self.var())
def cx(self):
r"""Returns the coefficient of the variation of the distribution \( c_X = STD[X]/E[X] \).
Coefficient of variation of the distribution.
return self.std()/self.mean()
def skewness(self):
r"""Returns the skewness of the distribution.
Skewness of the distribution.
EX3 = (self.xk**3)
mu = self.mean()
sigma = self.std()
return (EX3-3*mu*sigma**2-mu**3)/(sigma**3)
def entropy(self, base=2):
r"""Returns the entropy of the distribution.
base : float (default 2)
Base of the logartihm.
Base 2 gives the unit of bits (Shannon entropy).
Entropy of the distribution.
i =>0
return -([i] @ np.log2([i])) / np.log2(base)
def mode(self):
r"""Returns the mode of the distribution.
Mode of the distribution.
return self.xk[np.argmax(]
def quantile(self, q=0.95):
r"""Returns the q-quantile of the distribution.
q : float, optional (default 0.95)
The parameter indicates that the q-quantile is derived. The default value is `q=0.95`
for the 95%-quantile. It must be ensured that \( 0< q < 1\).
q-Quantile (default 95%) of the distribution.
return self.xk[np.argmax(>q)]
def describe(self):
r"""Prints basic characteristics of the distribution.
This method prints basic characteristics of the distribution.
>>> A.describe()
interarrival_time: EX=5.5000, cX=0.5222, mode=1
print(f'{}: EX={self.mean():.4f}, cX={}, mode={self.mode()}, support={self.xmin},...,{self.xmax} ')
def checkDistribution(self):
r"""Returns if the distribution is valid.
Return true if the distribution is valid.
Returns false if e.g. the values of `xk` are not increasing or the sum of probabilities `pk` is less than 1.
increasing = np.all(np.diff(self.xk) > 0) # xk: strictly monotonic increasing
sumOne = abs(np.sum(<1e-8 # xk: error
return increasing and sumOne
def conv(self, other,name=None):
r"""Returns the sum of this distributions and another distribution.
Returns the sum of this distribution and the other distribution. Note that \( A+B=B+A \).
The operator `+` is overloaded for that class, such that `A+B` is an abbreviation for `A.conv(B)`.
other : DiscreteDistribution
The other distribution of the sum.
name : string, optional (default '')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
>>> A = DU()
>>> A.conv(A) # returns A+A
>>> DiscreteDistribution.conv(A,A) # returns A+A
>>> A+A # returns A+A
Sum of the distributions: `self+other`.
s = f'{}+{}' if name is None else name
pk = np.convolve(,
xk = np.arange(self.xmin+other.xmin, self.xmax+other.xmax+1)
return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s)
def convNeg(self, other, name=None):
r"""Returns the difference of two distributions.
Returns the difference of this distribution and the other distribution.
The operator `-` is overloaded for that class, such that `A-B` is an abbreviation for `A.convNeg(B)`.
B : DiscreteDistribution
The other distribution to be substracted from this distribution.
name : string, optional (default '')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
>>> A = DU()
>>> A.convNeg(A) # returns A-A
>>> DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(A,A) # returns A-A
>>> A-A # returns A-A
Difference of the distributions: `self-other`.
s = f'{}-{}' if name is None else name
pk = np.convolve(,[::-1])
xk = np.arange(self.xmin-other.xmax, self.xmax-other.xmin+1)
return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s)
def pi_op(self, m=0, name=None):
r"""Applies the pi-operator (summing up probabilities to m) and returns the resulting distribution.
The pi-operator truncates a distribution at the point \(X=m\) and sums up the probabilities.
The probability mass \( P(X\leq m) \) is assigned
to the point \(X=m\), while all other probabilities are set to zero for \(X<m\). The default operation is
to delete all negative values and assigning the probability mass of negative values to \(X=0\).
Hence, the default value is \(m=0\) and in this case \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i)\), while the probabilites for all negative values
are set to zero \(P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0\) for the resulting distribution \(X'\). The rest of the distribution \(i>0 \) is not changed.
In general: \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^m P(X=i)\). Hence, for a distribution \(x(k)=P(X=k) \),
the pi-operator works as follows:
\pi_m \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases}
0 & k < m \\
\sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^m
x(i) & k= m \\
x(k) & k > m \\
m : integer
The truncation point at which probabilities are summed up.
name : string, optional (default 'pi_m(')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Truncated distribution.
s = f'pi_{m}({})' if name is None else name
if m <= self.xmin: = s
return self
elif m >= self.xmax:
return DiscreteDistribution([m],[1],name=s)
#s = f'pi_{m}({})' if name is None else name
k = np.searchsorted(self.xk,m)
xk = np.arange(m, self.xmax+1)
pk = np.zeros(len(xk))
pk[0] = np.sum([0:k+1])
pk[1:] =[k+1:]
return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s)
def pi0(self, name=None):
r"""Applies the pi-operator (truncation of negative values, summing up probabilities ) and returns the resulting distribution.
The pi0-operator truncates the distribution at 0 and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass of negative values is assigned to 0.
For the resulting distribution \(X'\), it is \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i)\), while the probabilites for all negative values
are set to zero \(P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0\). The rest of the distribution \(i>0 \) is not changed.
\pi_0 \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases}
0 & k < 0 \\
\sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^0
x(i) & k= 0 \\
x(k) & k > 0 \\
name : string, optional (default 'pi0(')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Truncated distribution.
See also
Generalized truncation `DiscreteDistribution.pi_op`
s = f'pi0({})' if name is None else name
return self.pi_op(m=0, name=s)
def jsd(self, other ):
r"""Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance of the two distributions.
Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance which is the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence:
[Wikipedia: Jensen-Shannon distance](
other : DiscreteDistribution
The other distribution.
Jensen-Shannon distance.
xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin)
xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax)
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int)
M = (self.pmf(x)+other.pmf(x))/2
# Kullback-Leibler divergence D(P||M)
Px = self.pmf(x)
i = (M>0) & (Px>0)
DPM = np.sum(Px[i]*np.log2(Px[i]/M[i]))
Qx = other.pmf(x)
i = (M>0) & (Qx>0)
DQM = np.sum(Qx[i]*np.log2(Qx[i]/M[i]))
return np.sqrt(DPM/2+DQM/2)
# total variation distance
def tvd(self, other ):
r"""Returns the total variation distance of the two distributions.
Computes the total variation distance: [Wikipedia: Total variation distance](
other : DiscreteDistribution
The other distribution.
Total variation distance.
xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin)
xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax)
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int)
return np.sum(np.abs(self.pmf(x)-other.pmf(x)))/2
def emd(self, other ):
r"""Returns the earth mover's distance of the two distributions.
Implements the earth mover's distance: [Wikipedia: Total variation distance](
other : DiscreteDistribution
The other distribution.
Earth mover's distance.
xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin)
xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax)
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int)
return np.sum(np.abs(self.cdf(x)-other.cdf(x)))
def _trim(self, m, normalize=True):
r"""Truncates the distribution from left and right side.
The operation uses the minimum and maximum of the values m and truncates the distribution to
this range. It changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk`.
m : numpy array of boolean values
The first and the last True value in the array are used to truncate the distribution.
normalize : bool
If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
kmin = m.argmax()
kmax = m.size - m[::-1].argmax()-1
#A.xmin = np.min(xk)
#A.xmax = np.max(xk)
self.xk = self.xk[kmin:kmax+1] =[kmin:kmax+1]
self.xmin = self.xk[0]
self.xmax = self.xk[-1]
if normalize: /=
def trim(self, normalize=True):
r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities.
The trim-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing
any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities. This distribution object is therefore changed.
normalize : bool
If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
m =!=0
self._trim(m, normalize)
def trimPMF(self, eps=1e-8, normalize=True):
r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities below a certain threshold.
The trimPMF-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing
any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities which are less than `eps`.
This distribution object is therefore changed.
eps : float
Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed.
normalize : bool
If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
m =>eps #!=0
self._trim(m, normalize)
def trimCDF(self, eps=1e-8, normalize=True):
r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing cumulative probabilities below a certain threshold.
The trimCDF-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk`
by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing cumulative probabilities which are less than `eps`.
This distribution object is therefore changed.
eps : float
Threshold which leading or trailing cumulative probabilities are to be removed.
normalize : bool
If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
m =>eps #!=0
self._trim(m, normalize)
# this is an unnormalized distribution:
# conditional distribution if normalized
# sigmaLT = sigma^m: takes the lower part ( k < m ) of a distribution
def sigmaTakeLT(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True):
r"""Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result.
The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution.
`sigmaTakeLT` implements the \(\sigma^m\)-operator which sweeps away the upper part \(k\geq m\)
and takes the lower part \(k < m \). The distribution is therefore truncated.
The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities
is less than one:
$$\sigma^m[x(k)] =
x(k) & k<m \\
0 & k \geq m
The parameter `normalized` (default True) indicates that a normalized distribution
(conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one.
The parameter `m` indicates at which point the distribution is truncated.
m : integer
Truncation point. The lower part \(k < m \) of the distribution is taken.
name : string, optional (default 'sigma^{m}({})')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
normalized : bool
If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the
truncated range are returned.
Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for \(k < m \).
If m is less than the smallest value xmin of this distribution.
#assert m<xk[-1]
s = f'sigma^{m}({})' if name is None else name
if m<=self.xk[0]:
if normalized:
raise ValueError('sigmaLT: m < min(xk)')
return DiscreteDistribution([m], [0], name=s)
if m>self.xk[-1]:
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk,, name=s)
last = np.searchsorted(self.xk, m, side='right')-1
if normalized:
prob_Dist_U_lt_m =[:last].sum()[:last] / prob_Dist_U_lt_m
return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s)
# this is an unnormalized distribution:
# conditional distribution if normalized
def sigmaTakeGEQ(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True):
r"""Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result.
The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution.
`sigmaTakeGEQ` implements the \(\sigma_m\)-operator which sweeps away the lower part \(k < m \)
and takes the upper part \( k \geq m \). The distribution is therefore truncated.
The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities
is less than one:
\sigma_m[x(k)] =
0 & k<m \\
x(k) & k \geq m
The parameter `normalized` (default True) indicates that a normalized distribution
(conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one.
The parameter `m` indicates at which point the distribution is truncated.
m : integer
Truncation point. The upper part \(k\geq m\) of the distribution is taken.
name : string, optional (default 'sigma_{m}({})')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
normalized : bool
If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the
truncated range are returned.
Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for \(k \geq m \).
s = f'sigma_{m}({})' if name is None else name
#assert m>=self.xk[0]
if m>self.xk[-1]:
if normalized:
raise ValueError('sigmaGEQ: m > max(xk)')
return DiscreteDistribution([m], [0], name=s)
first = np.searchsorted(self.xk, m, side='left')
if normalized:
prob_Dist_U_geq_m =[first:].sum()[first:] / prob_Dist_U_geq_m
return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s)
def pmf(self, xi):
r"""Probability mass function at xi of the given distribution.
xi : numpy array or integer
numpy array of float
Probability mass function evaluated at xi.
#myxk = np.arange(self.xmin-1, self.xmax+2)
#mypk = np.hstack((0,, 0))
if type(xi) is not np.ndarray:
if type(xi) is list:
xi = np.array(xi)
xi = np.array([xi])
i = np.where( (xi>=self.xmin) & (xi<=self.xmax) )[0]
mypk = np.zeros(len(xi))
if len(i)>0:
mypk[i] =[np.searchsorted(self.xk, xi[i], side='left')]
return mypk
def cdf(self, xi):
r"""Cumulative distribution function at xi of the given distribution.
xi : numpy array or integer
numpy array of float
Cumulative distribution function evaluated at xi.
#myxk = np.arange(self.xmin-1, self.xmax+2)
#mypk = np.hstack((0,, 0))
PK =
if type(xi) is not np.ndarray:
if type(xi) is list:
xi = np.array(xi)
xi = np.array([xi])
i = np.where( (xi>=self.xmin) & (xi<=self.xmax) )[0]
mypk = np.zeros(len(xi))
mypk[xi>=self.xmax] = 1
if len(i)>0:
mypk[i] = PK[np.searchsorted(self.xk, xi[i], side='left')]
return mypk
def plotCDF(self, addZero=True, **kwargs):
r"""Plots the cumulative distribution function of this distrribution.
addZero : bool (default True)
If true the zero point will be explicitly plotted, otherwise not.
Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to `Matplotlib.pyplot.step`.
if addZero and self.xk[0]>=0:
x = np.insert(self.xk,0,0)
y = np.insert(,0,0)
x, y = self.xk,
x = np.append(x, x[-1]+1)
Y = np.append(y.cumsum(), 1)
plt.step(x, Y, '.-', where='post', **kwargs)
def plotPMF(self, **kwargs):
r"""Plots the probability mass function of this distrribution.
Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to `Matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
plt.plot(self.xk,, '.-', **kwargs)
def conditionalRV(self, condition, name=None, normalized=True):
r"""Returns the normalized or unnormalized conditional random variable.
condition : function
Applies the function `condition` to match the corresponding values of the distribution.
name : string, optional (default '{}')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
normalized : bool (default True)
If true returns a normalized distribution. If false returns the original probabilities for the
range where the condition is true.
Returns the conditional distribution for which the condition (applied to `xk`) is true.
The resulting distribution is normalized if the paraemter `normalized` is true.
If the condition is not fulfilled for any value `xk`
s = f'{}|condition' if name is None else name
which = condition(self.xk)
Apk =[which]
Axk = self.xk[which]
if normalized:
if Apk.sum()==0:
raise ValueError('conditionalRV: condition is not possible!')
return DiscreteDistribution(Axk, Apk/Apk.sum(), name=s)
return DiscreteDistribution(Axk, Apk, name=s)
def normalize(self):
r"""Normalizes this random variable.
This method changes this discrete distribution and ensures that the sum of probabilities equals to one.
""" =,1, =
def rvs(self, size=1, seed=None):
r"""Returns random values of this distribution.
size : int (default 1)
Number of random values to generate.
seed : int (default None)
Random number generator seed. The default value is None to generate a random seed.
Numpy array
Returns numpy array of random values of this distribution.
if seed is None: seed = int(time.time())
return np.random.choice(self.xk, size=size, replace=True,
# A+B
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other,int):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk+other,,name=f'{}+{other}')
elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution):
return DiscreteDistribution.conv(self,other,name=f'{}+{}')
raise NotImplementedError
# A+B
def __radd__(self, other):
if isinstance(other,int):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk+other,,name=f'{other}+{}')
elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution):
return DiscreteDistribution.conv(self,other,name=f'{}+{}')
raise NotImplementedError
# A-C
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other,int):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk-other,,name=f'{}-{other}')
elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution):
return DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(self,other,name=f'{}-{}')
raise NotImplementedError
# A-C
def __rsub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other,int):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk-other,,name=f'{other}-{}')
elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution):
return DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(self,other,name=f'{}-{}')
raise NotImplementedError
# -A: unary minus
def __neg__(self):
return DiscreteDistribution(-self.xk,,name=f'-{}')
# +A: unary plus
def __pos__(self):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk,,name=f'+{}')
# A*b
def __mul__(self, b):
if isinstance(b,int):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk*b,,name=f'{}*{b}')
raise NotImplementedError
# b*A
def __rmul__(self, b):
if isinstance(b,int):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk*b,,name=f'{b}*{}')
raise NotImplementedError
# A<B: based on means
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.mean() < other.mean()
# A<=B: based on means
def __le__(self, other):
return self.mean() <= other.mean()
# A>B: based on means
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.mean() > other.mean()
# A>=B: based on means
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.mean() >= other.mean()
# A==B: based on means and threshold comparisonEQ_eps
def __eq__(self, other):
#if len(self.xk) != len(other.xk): return False
#return np.all(self.xk==other.xk) and np.all(
return abs(self.mean()-other.mean())<=comparisonEQ_eps
# A!=B: based on means and threshold comparisonEQ_eps
def __ne__(self, other):
return abs(self.mean()-other.mean())>comparisonEQ_eps
# returns the number of positive numbers
def __len__(self):
return len(>0)
# A**k
def __pow__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk**other,
raise NotImplementedError
# A[x] == A.pmf(x)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
return self.pmf(np.array(key))
elif isinstance(key, int):
return self.pmf(key)[0]
return self.pmf(key)
# abs(A)
def __abs__(self):
pk = np.bincount(abs(self.xk),
return DiscreteDistribution(np.arange(len(pk)),pk)
def __getExtendedRangeDist(self, xmin, xmax):
end = np.zeros(xmax-self.xmax) if self.xmax < xmax else []
start = np.zeros(self.xmin-xmin) if self.xmin > xmin else []
return np.concatenate((start,, end))
# A|condition
def __or__(self, other):
if callable(other): # A|condition
return self.conditionalRV(other)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
if len(self.xk)<10:
return f'{}: xk={np.array2string(self.xk,separator=",")}, pk={np.array2string(,precision=3, separator=",")}'
return f'{}: xk={self.xmin},...,{self.xmax}, pk={[0]:g},...,{[-1]:g}'
def pi_op(A, m=0, name=None):
r"""Returns the pi-operator applied to A.
See also
return A.pi_op(m, name)
def pi0(A, name=None):
r"""Returns the pi0-operator applied to A.
See also
return A.pi0(name=name)
__oldmax = max
def max(*args):
r"""Returns the maximum of the random variables.
The maximum function is overloaded, such that the maximum of random variables can be directly computed and is returned.
In case, the first argument is a `DiscreteDistribution` and the second argument is an integer, the maximum between the random variable and
a deterministic random variable is computed. This corresponds to the application of the pi-operator.
The pi-operator means the maximum of the random variable and the value m.
The random variable A is passed as first parameter `A=args[0]` and m is passed as second parameter `m=args[1]`.
The following two expressions are identical: `max` and `pi_op`.
Variable length argument list. If all variables are `DiscreteDistribution`, then the maximum of the
random variables is returned.
If two arguments are passed (first: DiscreteDistribution; second: int), then the pi-operator is applied.
The pi-operator means the maximum of the random variable and the value m.
The random variable A is passed as first parameter `A=args[0]` and m is passed as second parameter `m=args[1]`.
The following two expressions are identical: `max` and `pi_op`.
The random variable is passed as first parameter and m is passed as second parameter.
Returns the maximum of the random variables.
>>> A = DU(0,4)
>>> max(A, DET(3))
discrete distr.: xk=[0,1,2,3,4], pk=[0. ,0. ,0. ,0.8,0.2]
>>> A = DU(0,4)
>>> B = max(A,3)
pi_3(DU(0,4)): xk=[3,4], pk=[0.8,0.2]
See also
bools = [isinstance(Ai, DiscreteDistribution) for Ai in args]
if all(bools):
xmax = max([Ai.xmax for Ai in args])
xmin = min([Ai.xmin for Ai in args])
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int)
cdfs = np.zeros( (len(args),len(x)) )
for i,Ai in enumerate(args):
cdfs[i,:] = Ai.cdf(x)
mycdf = cdfs, axis=0)
mypmf = np.diff(np.insert(mycdf,0,0))
return DiscreteDistribution(x,mypmf.clip(0,1))
elif len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0],DiscreteDistribution) and isinstance(args[1], int):
return pi_op(args[0], args[1])
return __oldmax(*args)
__oldmin = min
def min(*args):
r"""Returns the minimum of the random variables.
The minimum function is overloaded, such that the minimum of random variables can be directly computed and a `DiscreteDistribution` is returned.
Variable length argument list. If all variables are `DiscreteDistribution`, then the minimum of the
random variables is returned.
Returns the minimum of the random variables.
>>> A = DU(0,4)
>>> B = DET(2)
>>> min(A,B)
discrete distr.: xk=[0,1,2,3,4], pk=[0.2,0.2,0.6,0. ,0. ]
bools = [isinstance(Ai, DiscreteDistribution) for Ai in args]
if all(bools):
xmax = max([Ai.xmax for Ai in args])
xmin = min([Ai.xmin for Ai in args])
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int)
ccdfs = np.zeros( (len(args),len(x)) )
for i,Ai in enumerate(args):
ccdfs[i,:] = 1-Ai.cdf(x)
myccdf = ccdfs, axis=0)
mycdf = 1-myccdf
mypmf = np.diff(np.insert(mycdf,0,0))
return DiscreteDistribution(x,mypmf.clip(0,1))
return __oldmin(*args)
def E(A):
r"""Returns the expected value of the random variables A.
We can compute the variance: \(VAR[A]=E[A^2]-E[A]^2\) with the following syntax:
>>> A = DU(1,5)
>>> E(A**2)-E(A)**2
>>> A.var()
See also
return A.mean()
def conv(A,B,name=None):
r"""Returns the sum of the random variables A+B using convolution operator.
See also
return A.conv(B, name=name)
def plotCDF(A, addZero=True, **kwargs):
r"""Plots the CDF of the distribution `A`.
See also
A.plotCDF(addZero, **kwargs)
def plotPMF(A, addZero=True, **kwargs):
r"""Plots the PMF of the distribution `A`.
See also
A.plotPMF(addZero, **kwargs)
def lindley_equation(W0, C, epsProb=1e-16):
r"""Implements the Lindley equation.
Solves the discrete-time Lindley equation which is used for the analysis of the waiting time
in a GI/GI/1 system.
w(k) = \pi_0 \Big(w(k) * c(k)\Big)
The solution is derived by iteration for a given starting distribution `W0` until the difference \(W_{n+1}-W_{n} \) between
subsequent distributions is below the treshold `discreteTimeAnalysis.comparisonEQ_eps`.
W_{n+1} = \max(0, W_n+B-A) \\
w_{n+1} (k) = \pi_0 (w_n(k) * c_n(k))
W0 : DiscreteDistribution
The initial system distribution.
C : DiscreteDistribution
The characteristic function of the system.
eps : float (default 1e-16)
Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. See `DiscreteDistribution.trimPMF`.
Steady-state distribution of the stationary discrete-time Lindley equation.
Wn = W0
Wn1 = DiscreteDistribution([-1], [1])
i = 0
while Wn1 != Wn:
Wn1 = pi0(Wn+C)
Wn = Wn1 = None
i += 1
return Wn, i
def GIGI1_waitingTime(A, B, W0=DiscreteDistribution([0],[1]), epsProb=1e-16):
r"""Returns the stationary waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue.
The stationary waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue is derived by solving
the Lindley equation, see `discreteTimeAnalysis.lindley_equation`.
W0 : DiscreteDistribution, optional (default DET(0))
The initial waiting time distribution. The default value is an empty system, i.e. no waiting time
`W0 = DET(0)`.
A : DiscreteDistribution
Interarrival time.
B : DiscreteDistribution
Service time.
eps : float (default 1e-16)
Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. See `DiscreteDistribution.trimPMF`.
Steady-state waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue.
If the system utilization EB/EA>1.
See also
if B.mean()/A.mean() >= 1:
raise ValueError(f'GIGI1_waitingTime: System utilization is rho={B.mean()/A.mean():.2f}>1')
return lindley_equation(W0, B-A, epsProb)
def kingman(EA, cA, EB, cB):
r"""Returns the Kingman approximation for the mean waiting time of a GI/GI/1 queue.
EA : float
Mean interarrival time.
cA : float
Coefficient of variation of the interarrival time.
EB : float
Mean service time.
cB : float
Coefficient of variation of the service time.
Kingman approximation of the mean waiting time.
If the system utilization EB/EA>1.
rho = EB/EA
if rho>1:
raise ValueError(f'Kingman: System utilization is rho={rho:.2f}>1')
return rho/(1-rho)*EB*(cA**2+cB**2)/2
#%% Bernoulli distribution
def BER(p, name=None):
r"""Returns a Bernoulli distribution.
With the success probability p, the Bernoulli experiment is sucessful.
\(P(X=1)=p\) and \(P(X=0)=1-p\).
p : float
Sucess probability.
name : string, optional (default 'BER(p)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p.
If the success probability is not in the range 0<p<1.
if p>1 or p<0:
raise ValueError(f'BER: success probability {p:.2f} out of range')
s = f'BER({p:.2f})' if name is None else name
return DiscreteDistribution([0,1],[1-p,p], name=s)
from scipy.stats import binom
# Binomial distribution
def BINOM(N, p, name=None):
r"""Returns a Binomial distribution.
The binomial distribution counts the number of successes, if
a Bernoulli experiment is repeated N-times with success probability p.
N : integer
Number of Bernoulli experiments.
p : float
Sucess probability.
name : string, optional (default 'BINOM(N,p)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a Binomial distribution with parameters N and p.
If the success probability is not in the range 0<p<1.
if p>1 or p<0:
raise ValueError(f'BINOM: success probability {p:.2f} out of range')
s = f'BINOM({N}, {p:.2f})' if name is None else name
xk = np.arange(N+1)
return DiscreteDistribution(xk, binom.pmf(xk, N, p), name=s)
from scipy.stats import poisson
# poisson distribution
def POIS(y, eps=1e-8, name=None):
r"""Returns a Poisson distribution with mean y.
The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution and has a single parameter
reflecting the mean of the random variable. Since the DiscreteDistribution needs to
have a finite range, the distribution is truncated at the right side if the probabilities
are less than `eps`.
y : float
Mean of the Poisson distribution.
eps : float, optional (default 1e-8)
Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
name : string, optional (default 'POIS(y)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a Poisson distribution with parameter y.
If the mean value is negative.
if y<0:
raise ValueError(f'POIS: mean value {y:.2f} out of range')
s = f'POIS({y:.2f})' if name is None else name
rv = poisson(y)
cut = int(rv.isf(eps))
#print(f'cut at {cut}')
x = np.arange(cut)
pk = rv.pmf(x)
return DiscreteDistribution(x, pk/pk.sum(), name=s)
#%% NEGBIN files
from scipy.stats import nbinom, geom
def getNegBinPars(mu,cx):
r"""Returns the two parameters of a negative binomial distribution for given mean and coefficient of variation.
mu : float
Mean value.
cx : float
Coefficient of variation.
a,b : float, float
Parameters of the negative binomial distribution.
If the parameter range is violated: mu*cx**2>1
if mu*cx**2<=1:
raise ValueError(f'getNegBinPars: parameter range is not possible, mu*cx**2={mu*cx**2:2.f}<=1 ')
z = cx**2*mu-1
return mu/z, 1- z/(cx**2*mu)
def NEGBIN(EX,cx, eps=1e-8, name=None):
r"""Returns a negative binomial distribution for given mean and coefficient of variation.
mu : float
Mean value.
cx : float
Coefficient of variation.
eps : float, optional (default 1e-8)
Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
name : string, optional (default 'NEGBIN(EX,cx)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a negative binomial distribution with mean EX and coefficient of variation cx.
If the parameter range is violated: mu*cx**2>1
r,p = getNegBinPars(EX,cx)
s = f'NEGBIN({EX:.2f},{cx:.2f})' if name is None else name
rv = nbinom(r,p)
cut = int(rv.isf(eps))
#print(f'cut at {cut}')
x = np.arange(cut)
pk = rv.pmf(x)
return DiscreteDistribution(x, pk/pk.sum(), name=s)
def DET(EX, name=None):
r"""Returns a deterministic distribution.
With probability 1, the distribution takes the value EX.
EX : integer
Mean value.
name : string, optional (default 'DET(EX)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a deterministic distribution with parameter EX.
s = f'DET({EX})' if name is None else name
return DiscreteDistribution([EX], [1.0], name=s)
def DU(a=1, b=10, name=None):
r"""Returns a discrete uniform distribution in the range [a,b].
With the same probability, any value a <= k <=b is taken.
a : integer
Lower value range.
b : integer
Upper value range.
name : string, optional (default 'DU(a,b)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a discrete uniform distribution in the interval [a;b].
s = f'DU({a},{b})' if name is None else name
xk = np.arange(a,b+1)
n = b-a+1
pk = 1.0/n
return DiscreteDistribution(xk, np.array([pk]*n), name=s)
def GEOM(EX=1, p=None, m=0, eps=1e-8, name=None):
r"""Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX or parameter p.
A shifted geometric distribution is returned which has the mean value `EX`.
The distribution is thereby shifted by `m`. Thus, \(P(X=k=0\) for any \(k<m\).
If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
EX : float (default 1)
Mean value of the shifted geometric distribution.
p : float (default None)
If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
m : integer (default 0)
Distribution is shifted by m.
eps : float, optional (default 1e-8)
Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
name : string, optional (default 'GEOM_m(p)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX.
if p is None:
p = 1.0/(EX+1-m)
EX = p
rv = geom(p, loc=m-1)
cut = int(rv.isf(eps))
x = np.arange(cut)
pk = rv.pmf(x)
s = f'GEOM_{m}({EX:.2f})' if name is None else name
return DiscreteDistribution(x, pk/pk.sum(), name=s)
def GEOM0(EX=1, p=None, eps=1e-8, name=None):
r"""Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX or parameter p.
A geometric distribution is returned which has the mean value `EX`.
If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
EX : float (default 1)
Mean value of the geometric distribution.
p : float (default None)
If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
eps : float, optional (default 1e-8)
Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
name : string, optional (default 'GEOM_m(p)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX.
return GEOM(EX=EX, p=p, eps=eps, name=name)
def GEOM1(EX=1, p=None, eps=1e-8, name=None):
r"""Returns a geometric distribution (shifted by one) with mean EX or parameter p.
A geometric distribution (shifted by one) is returned which has the mean value `EX`.
If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
EX : float (default 1)
Mean value of the shifted geometric distribution.
p : float (default None)
If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
eps : float, optional (default 1e-8)
Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
name : string, optional (default 'GEOM_m(p)')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX.
return GEOM(EX=EX, p=p, m=1, eps=eps, name=name)
#%% mixture distribution
def MIX(A, w=None, name=None):
r"""Returns the mixture distribution with weights w.
Consider a set of independent random variables [A_1,..,A_k].
A random variable $A$ is now constructed in such a way that with the probability p_i the random variable A_i is selected.
A : list of DiscreteDistributions
List of distributions.
w : list of weights, optional (default w=[1/k, ..., 1/k])
A distribution is considered with the probabilities given in the list of weights.
name : string, optional (default 'MIX')
Name of the distribution for string representation.
Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX.
>>> A = DET(4)
>>> B = DU(1,10)
>>> C = MIX( (A,B) )
>>> D = A+B
>>> plt.figure(1, clear=True)
>>> A.plotCDF(label='A')
>>> B.plotCDF(label='B')
>>> C.plotCDF(label='MIX')
>>> D.plotCDF(label='A+B')
>>> plt.legend()
xkMin = min(list(map(lambda Ai: Ai.xk[0], A)))
xkMax = max(list(map(lambda Ai: Ai.xk[-1], A)))
if w is None:
n = len(A)
w = [1.0/n]*n
xk = np.arange( xkMin, xkMax+1)
pk = np.zeros(len(xk))
for (Ai, wi) in zip(A,w):
iA = np.searchsorted(xk, Ai.xk, side='left')
pk[iA] +=*wi
s = 'MIX' if name is None else name
return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s)
Global variables
var comparisonEQ_eps
The variable is used for the numerical comparison of two random variables
. The comparisonA==B
returns true ifabs( A.mean() - B.mean() ) <= comparisonEQ_eps
. Default value is 1e-6.
def BER(p, name=None)
Returns a Bernoulli distribution.
With the success probability p, the Bernoulli experiment is sucessful. P(X=1)=p and P(X=0)=1-p.
- Sucess probability.
, optional(default 'BER(p)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p.
- If the success probability is not in the range 0<p<1.
Expand source code
def BER(p, name=None): r"""Returns a Bernoulli distribution. With the success probability p, the Bernoulli experiment is sucessful. \(P(X=1)=p\) and \(P(X=0)=1-p\). Parameters ---------- p : float Sucess probability. name : string, optional (default 'BER(p)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p. Raises ------- ValueError If the success probability is not in the range 0<p<1. """ if p>1 or p<0: raise ValueError(f'BER: success probability {p:.2f} out of range') s = f'BER({p:.2f})' if name is None else name return DiscreteDistribution([0,1],[1-p,p], name=s)
def BINOM(N, p, name=None)
Returns a Binomial distribution.
The binomial distribution counts the number of successes, if a Bernoulli experiment is repeated N-times with success probability p.
- Number of Bernoulli experiments.
- Sucess probability.
, optional(default 'BINOM(N,p)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a Binomial distribution with parameters N and p.
- If the success probability is not in the range 0<p<1.
Expand source code
def BINOM(N, p, name=None): r"""Returns a Binomial distribution. The binomial distribution counts the number of successes, if a Bernoulli experiment is repeated N-times with success probability p. Parameters ---------- N : integer Number of Bernoulli experiments. p : float Sucess probability. name : string, optional (default 'BINOM(N,p)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a Binomial distribution with parameters N and p. Raises ------- ValueError If the success probability is not in the range 0<p<1. """ if p>1 or p<0: raise ValueError(f'BINOM: success probability {p:.2f} out of range') s = f'BINOM({N}, {p:.2f})' if name is None else name xk = np.arange(N+1) return DiscreteDistribution(xk, binom.pmf(xk, N, p), name=s)
def DET(EX, name=None)
Returns a deterministic distribution.
With probability 1, the distribution takes the value EX.
- Mean value.
, optional(default 'DET(EX)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a deterministic distribution with parameter EX.
Expand source code
def DET(EX, name=None): r"""Returns a deterministic distribution. With probability 1, the distribution takes the value EX. Parameters ---------- EX : integer Mean value. name : string, optional (default 'DET(EX)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a deterministic distribution with parameter EX. """ s = f'DET({EX})' if name is None else name return DiscreteDistribution([EX], [1.0], name=s)
def DU(a=1, b=10, name=None)
Returns a discrete uniform distribution in the range [a,b].
With the same probability, any value a <= k <=b is taken.
- Lower value range.
- Upper value range.
, optional(default 'DU(a,b)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a discrete uniform distribution in the interval [a;b].
Expand source code
def DU(a=1, b=10, name=None): r"""Returns a discrete uniform distribution in the range [a,b]. With the same probability, any value a <= k <=b is taken. Parameters ---------- a : integer Lower value range. b : integer Upper value range. name : string, optional (default 'DU(a,b)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a discrete uniform distribution in the interval [a;b]. """ s = f'DU({a},{b})' if name is None else name xk = np.arange(a,b+1) n = b-a+1 pk = 1.0/n return DiscreteDistribution(xk, np.array([pk]*n), name=s)
def E(A)
Returns the expected value of the random variables A.
We can compute the variance: VAR[A]=E[A^2]-E[A]^2 with the following syntax:
>>> A = DU(1,5) >>> E(A**2)-E(A)**2 2.0 >>> A.var() 2.0
See Also
Expand source code
def E(A): r"""Returns the expected value of the random variables A. Example ------- We can compute the variance: \(VAR[A]=E[A^2]-E[A]^2\) with the following syntax: >>> A = DU(1,5) >>> E(A**2)-E(A)**2 2.0 >>> A.var() 2.0 See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.mean` """ return A.mean()
def GEOM(EX=1, p=None, m=0, eps=1e-08, name=None)
Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX or parameter p.
A shifted geometric distribution is returned which has the mean value
. The distribution is thereby shifted bym
. Thus, P(X=k=0 for any k<m.If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
:float (default 1)
- Mean value of the shifted geometric distribution.
:float (default None)
- If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
:integer (default 0)
- Distribution is shifted by m.
, optional(default 1e-8)
- Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
, optional(default 'GEOM_m(p)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX.
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def GEOM(EX=1, p=None, m=0, eps=1e-8, name=None): r"""Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX or parameter p. A shifted geometric distribution is returned which has the mean value `EX`. The distribution is thereby shifted by `m`. Thus, \(P(X=k=0\) for any \(k<m\). If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored. Parameters ---------- EX : float (default 1) Mean value of the shifted geometric distribution. p : float (default None) If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored. m : integer (default 0) Distribution is shifted by m. eps : float, optional (default 1e-8) Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF. name : string, optional (default 'GEOM_m(p)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX. """ if p is None: p = 1.0/(EX+1-m) else: EX = p rv = geom(p, loc=m-1) cut = int(rv.isf(eps)) x = np.arange(cut) pk = rv.pmf(x) s = f'GEOM_{m}({EX:.2f})' if name is None else name return DiscreteDistribution(x, pk/pk.sum(), name=s)
def GEOM0(EX=1, p=None, eps=1e-08, name=None)
Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX or parameter p.
A geometric distribution is returned which has the mean value
. If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.Parameters
:float (default 1)
- Mean value of the geometric distribution.
:float (default None)
- If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
, optional(default 1e-8)
- Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
, optional(default 'GEOM_m(p)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX.
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def GEOM0(EX=1, p=None, eps=1e-8, name=None): r"""Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX or parameter p. A geometric distribution is returned which has the mean value `EX`. If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored. Parameters ---------- EX : float (default 1) Mean value of the geometric distribution. p : float (default None) If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored. eps : float, optional (default 1e-8) Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF. name : string, optional (default 'GEOM_m(p)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX. """ return GEOM(EX=EX, p=p, eps=eps, name=name)
def GEOM1(EX=1, p=None, eps=1e-08, name=None)
Returns a geometric distribution (shifted by one) with mean EX or parameter p.
A geometric distribution (shifted by one) is returned which has the mean value
. If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.Parameters
:float (default 1)
- Mean value of the shifted geometric distribution.
:float (default None)
- If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored.
, optional(default 1e-8)
- Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
, optional(default 'GEOM_m(p)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX.
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def GEOM1(EX=1, p=None, eps=1e-8, name=None): r"""Returns a geometric distribution (shifted by one) with mean EX or parameter p. A geometric distribution (shifted by one) is returned which has the mean value `EX`. If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored. Parameters ---------- EX : float (default 1) Mean value of the shifted geometric distribution. p : float (default None) If the parameter p is provided, then p is used and EX is ignored. eps : float, optional (default 1e-8) Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF. name : string, optional (default 'GEOM_m(p)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a geometric distribution with mean EX. """ return GEOM(EX=EX, p=p, m=1, eps=eps, name=name)
def GIGI1_waitingTime(A, B, W0=discrete distr.: xk=[0], pk=[1.], epsProb=1e-16)
Returns the stationary waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue.
The stationary waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue is derived by solving the Lindley equation, see
, optional(default DET()(0))
- The initial waiting time distribution. The default value is an empty system, i.e. no waiting time
W0 = DET(0)
. A
- Interarrival time.
- Service time.
:float (default 1e-16)
- Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. See
- Steady-state waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue.
- If the system utilization EB/EA>1.
See Also
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def GIGI1_waitingTime(A, B, W0=DiscreteDistribution([0],[1]), epsProb=1e-16): r"""Returns the stationary waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue. The stationary waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue is derived by solving the Lindley equation, see `discreteTimeAnalysis.lindley_equation`. Parameters ---------- W0 : DiscreteDistribution, optional (default DET(0)) The initial waiting time distribution. The default value is an empty system, i.e. no waiting time `W0 = DET(0)`. A : DiscreteDistribution Interarrival time. B : DiscreteDistribution Service time. eps : float (default 1e-16) Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. See `DiscreteDistribution.trimPMF`. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Steady-state waiting time distribution of the GI/GI/1 queue. Raises ------- ValueError If the system utilization EB/EA>1. See also -------- `discreteTimeAnalysis.lindley_equation` """ if B.mean()/A.mean() >= 1: raise ValueError(f'GIGI1_waitingTime: System utilization is rho={B.mean()/A.mean():.2f}>1') return lindley_equation(W0, B-A, epsProb)
def MIX(A, w=None, name=None)
Returns the mixture distribution with weights w.
Consider a set of independent random variables [A_1,..,A_k]. A random variable $A$ is now constructed in such a way that with the probability p_i the random variable A_i is selected.
- List of distributions.
, optional(default w=[1/k, ..., 1/k])
- A distribution is considered with the probabilities given in the list of weights.
, optional(default 'MIX')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX.
>>> A = DET(4) >>> B = DU(1,10) >>> C = MIX( (A,B) ) >>> D = A+B
>>> plt.figure(1, clear=True) >>> A.plotCDF(label='A') >>> B.plotCDF(label='B') >>> C.plotCDF(label='MIX') >>> D.plotCDF(label='A+B') >>> plt.legend()
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def MIX(A, w=None, name=None): r"""Returns the mixture distribution with weights w. Consider a set of independent random variables [A_1,..,A_k]. A random variable $A$ is now constructed in such a way that with the probability p_i the random variable A_i is selected. Parameters ---------- A : list of DiscreteDistributions List of distributions. w : list of weights, optional (default w=[1/k, ..., 1/k]) A distribution is considered with the probabilities given in the list of weights. name : string, optional (default 'MIX') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a shifted geometric distribution with mean EX. Example ------- >>> A = DET(4) >>> B = DU(1,10) >>> C = MIX( (A,B) ) >>> D = A+B >>> plt.figure(1, clear=True) >>> A.plotCDF(label='A') >>> B.plotCDF(label='B') >>> C.plotCDF(label='MIX') >>> D.plotCDF(label='A+B') >>> plt.legend() """ xkMin = min(list(map(lambda Ai: Ai.xk[0], A))) xkMax = max(list(map(lambda Ai: Ai.xk[-1], A))) if w is None: n = len(A) w = [1.0/n]*n xk = np.arange( xkMin, xkMax+1) pk = np.zeros(len(xk)) for (Ai, wi) in zip(A,w): iA = np.searchsorted(xk, Ai.xk, side='left') pk[iA] +=*wi s = 'MIX' if name is None else name return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s)
def NEGBIN(EX, cx, eps=1e-08, name=None)
Returns a negative binomial distribution for given mean and coefficient of variation.
- Mean value.
- Coefficient of variation.
, optional(default 1e-8)
- Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
, optional(default 'NEGBIN(EX,cx)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a negative binomial distribution with mean EX and coefficient of variation cx.
- If the parameter range is violated: mucx*2>1
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def NEGBIN(EX,cx, eps=1e-8, name=None): r"""Returns a negative binomial distribution for given mean and coefficient of variation. Parameters ---------- mu : float Mean value. cx : float Coefficient of variation. eps : float, optional (default 1e-8) Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF. name : string, optional (default 'NEGBIN(EX,cx)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a negative binomial distribution with mean EX and coefficient of variation cx. Raises ------- ValueError If the parameter range is violated: mu*cx**2>1 """ r,p = getNegBinPars(EX,cx) s = f'NEGBIN({EX:.2f},{cx:.2f})' if name is None else name rv = nbinom(r,p) cut = int(rv.isf(eps)) #print(f'cut at {cut}') x = np.arange(cut) pk = rv.pmf(x) return DiscreteDistribution(x, pk/pk.sum(), name=s)
def POIS(y, eps=1e-08, name=None)
Returns a Poisson distribution with mean y.
The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution and has a single parameter reflecting the mean of the random variable. Since the DiscreteDistribution needs to have a finite range, the distribution is truncated at the right side if the probabilities are less than
- Mean of the Poisson distribution.
, optional(default 1e-8)
- Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF.
, optional(default 'POIS(y)')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Returns a Poisson distribution with parameter y.
- If the mean value is negative.
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def POIS(y, eps=1e-8, name=None): r"""Returns a Poisson distribution with mean y. The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution and has a single parameter reflecting the mean of the random variable. Since the DiscreteDistribution needs to have a finite range, the distribution is truncated at the right side if the probabilities are less than `eps`. Parameters ---------- y : float Mean of the Poisson distribution. eps : float, optional (default 1e-8) Threshold value where to truncate the right part of the CDF. name : string, optional (default 'POIS(y)') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns a Poisson distribution with parameter y. Raises ------- ValueError If the mean value is negative. """ if y<0: raise ValueError(f'POIS: mean value {y:.2f} out of range') s = f'POIS({y:.2f})' if name is None else name rv = poisson(y) cut = int(rv.isf(eps)) #print(f'cut at {cut}') x = np.arange(cut) pk = rv.pmf(x) return DiscreteDistribution(x, pk/pk.sum(), name=s)
def conv(A, B, name=None)
Returns the sum of the random variables A+B using convolution operator.
See Also
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def conv(A,B,name=None): r"""Returns the sum of the random variables A+B using convolution operator. See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.conv` """ return A.conv(B, name=name)
def getNegBinPars(mu, cx)
Returns the two parameters of a negative binomial distribution for given mean and coefficient of variation.
- Mean value.
- Coefficient of variation.
a,b : float, float
- Parameters of the negative binomial distribution.
- If the parameter range is violated: mucx*2>1
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def getNegBinPars(mu,cx): r"""Returns the two parameters of a negative binomial distribution for given mean and coefficient of variation. Parameters ---------- mu : float Mean value. cx : float Coefficient of variation. Returns ------- a,b : float, float Parameters of the negative binomial distribution. Raises ------- ValueError If the parameter range is violated: mu*cx**2>1 """ if mu*cx**2<=1: raise ValueError(f'getNegBinPars: parameter range is not possible, mu*cx**2={mu*cx**2:2.f}<=1 ') z = cx**2*mu-1 return mu/z, 1- z/(cx**2*mu)
def kingman(EA, cA, EB, cB)
Returns the Kingman approximation for the mean waiting time of a GI/GI/1 queue.
- Mean interarrival time.
- Coefficient of variation of the interarrival time.
- Mean service time.
- Coefficient of variation of the service time.
- Kingman approximation of the mean waiting time.
- If the system utilization EB/EA>1.
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def kingman(EA, cA, EB, cB): r"""Returns the Kingman approximation for the mean waiting time of a GI/GI/1 queue. Parameters ---------- EA : float Mean interarrival time. cA : float Coefficient of variation of the interarrival time. EB : float Mean service time. cB : float Coefficient of variation of the service time. Returns ------- float Kingman approximation of the mean waiting time. Raises ------- ValueError If the system utilization EB/EA>1. """ rho = EB/EA if rho>1: raise ValueError(f'Kingman: System utilization is rho={rho:.2f}>1') return rho/(1-rho)*EB*(cA**2+cB**2)/2
def lindley_equation(W0, C, epsProb=1e-16)
Implements the Lindley equation.
Solves the discrete-time Lindley equation which is used for the analysis of the waiting time in a GI/GI/1 system.
w(k) = \pi_0 \Big(w(k) * c(k)\Big)
The solution is derived by iteration for a given starting distribution
until the difference W_{n+1}-W_{n} between subsequent distributions is below the tresholdcomparisonEQ_eps
.W_{n+1} = \max(0, W_n+B-A) \\ w_{n+1} (k) = \pi_0 (w_n(k) * c_n(k))
- The initial system distribution.
- The characteristic function of the system.
:float (default 1e-16)
- Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. See
- Steady-state distribution of the stationary discrete-time Lindley equation.
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def lindley_equation(W0, C, epsProb=1e-16): r"""Implements the Lindley equation. Solves the discrete-time Lindley equation which is used for the analysis of the waiting time in a GI/GI/1 system. $$ w(k) = \pi_0 \Big(w(k) * c(k)\Big) $$ The solution is derived by iteration for a given starting distribution `W0` until the difference \(W_{n+1}-W_{n} \) between subsequent distributions is below the treshold `discreteTimeAnalysis.comparisonEQ_eps`. $$ W_{n+1} = \max(0, W_n+B-A) \\ w_{n+1} (k) = \pi_0 (w_n(k) * c_n(k)) $$ Parameters ---------- W0 : DiscreteDistribution The initial system distribution. C : DiscreteDistribution The characteristic function of the system. eps : float (default 1e-16) Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. See `DiscreteDistribution.trimPMF`. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Steady-state distribution of the stationary discrete-time Lindley equation. """ Wn = W0 Wn1 = DiscreteDistribution([-1], [1]) i = 0 while Wn1 != Wn: Wn1 = pi0(Wn+C) Wn = Wn1 = None Wn.trimPMF(eps=epsProb) i += 1 return Wn, i
def max(*args)
Returns the maximum of the random variables.
The maximum function is overloaded, such that the maximum of random variables can be directly computed and is returned.
In case, the first argument is a
and the second argument is an integer, the maximum between the random variable and a deterministic random variable is computed. This corresponds to the application of the pi-operator. The pi-operator means the maximum of the random variable and the value m. The random variable A is passed as first parameterA=args[0]
and m is passed as second parameterm=args[1]
. The following two expressions are identical:max()
Variable length argument list. If all variables are
, then the maximum of the random variables is returned.If two arguments are passed (first: DiscreteDistribution; second: int), then the pi-operator is applied. The pi-operator means the maximum of the random variable and the value m. The random variable A is passed as first parameter
and m is passed as second parameterm=args[1]
. The following two expressions are identical:max()
. The random variable is passed as first parameter and m is passed as second parameter.
- Returns the maximum of the random variables.
>>> A = DU(0,4) >>> max(A, DET(3)) discrete distr.: xk=[0,1,2,3,4], pk=[0. ,0. ,0. ,0.8,0.2]
>>> A = DU(0,4) >>> B = max(A,3) pi_3(DU(0,4)): xk=[3,4], pk=[0.8,0.2]
See Also
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def max(*args): r"""Returns the maximum of the random variables. The maximum function is overloaded, such that the maximum of random variables can be directly computed and is returned. In case, the first argument is a `DiscreteDistribution` and the second argument is an integer, the maximum between the random variable and a deterministic random variable is computed. This corresponds to the application of the pi-operator. The pi-operator means the maximum of the random variable and the value m. The random variable A is passed as first parameter `A=args[0]` and m is passed as second parameter `m=args[1]`. The following two expressions are identical: `max` and `pi_op`. Parameters ---------- *args: Variable length argument list. If all variables are `DiscreteDistribution`, then the maximum of the random variables is returned. If two arguments are passed (first: DiscreteDistribution; second: int), then the pi-operator is applied. The pi-operator means the maximum of the random variable and the value m. The random variable A is passed as first parameter `A=args[0]` and m is passed as second parameter `m=args[1]`. The following two expressions are identical: `max` and `pi_op`. The random variable is passed as first parameter and m is passed as second parameter. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns the maximum of the random variables. Example ------- >>> A = DU(0,4) >>> max(A, DET(3)) discrete distr.: xk=[0,1,2,3,4], pk=[0. ,0. ,0. ,0.8,0.2] Example ------- >>> A = DU(0,4) >>> B = max(A,3) pi_3(DU(0,4)): xk=[3,4], pk=[0.8,0.2] See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.pi_op` """ bools = [isinstance(Ai, DiscreteDistribution) for Ai in args] if all(bools): xmax = max([Ai.xmax for Ai in args]) xmin = min([Ai.xmin for Ai in args]) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) cdfs = np.zeros( (len(args),len(x)) ) for i,Ai in enumerate(args): cdfs[i,:] = Ai.cdf(x) mycdf = cdfs, axis=0) mypmf = np.diff(np.insert(mycdf,0,0)) return DiscreteDistribution(x,mypmf.clip(0,1)) elif len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0],DiscreteDistribution) and isinstance(args[1], int): return pi_op(args[0], args[1]) else: return __oldmax(*args)
def min(*args)
Returns the minimum of the random variables.
The minimum function is overloaded, such that the minimum of random variables can be directly computed and a
is returned.Parameters
- Variable length argument list. If all variables are
, then the minimum of the random variables is returned.
- Returns the minimum of the random variables.
>>> A = DU(0,4) >>> B = DET(2) >>> min(A,B) discrete distr.: xk=[0,1,2,3,4], pk=[0.2,0.2,0.6,0. ,0. ]
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def min(*args): r"""Returns the minimum of the random variables. The minimum function is overloaded, such that the minimum of random variables can be directly computed and a `DiscreteDistribution` is returned. Parameters ---------- *args: Variable length argument list. If all variables are `DiscreteDistribution`, then the minimum of the random variables is returned. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns the minimum of the random variables. Example ------- >>> A = DU(0,4) >>> B = DET(2) >>> min(A,B) discrete distr.: xk=[0,1,2,3,4], pk=[0.2,0.2,0.6,0. ,0. ] """ bools = [isinstance(Ai, DiscreteDistribution) for Ai in args] if all(bools): xmax = max([Ai.xmax for Ai in args]) xmin = min([Ai.xmin for Ai in args]) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) ccdfs = np.zeros( (len(args),len(x)) ) for i,Ai in enumerate(args): ccdfs[i,:] = 1-Ai.cdf(x) myccdf = ccdfs, axis=0) mycdf = 1-myccdf mypmf = np.diff(np.insert(mycdf,0,0)) return DiscreteDistribution(x,mypmf.clip(0,1)) else: return __oldmin(*args)
def pi0(A, name=None)
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def pi0(A, name=None): r"""Returns the pi0-operator applied to A. See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.pi0` """ return A.pi0(name=name)
def pi_op(A, m=0, name=None)
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def pi_op(A, m=0, name=None): r"""Returns the pi-operator applied to A. See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.pi_op` """ return A.pi_op(m, name)
def plotCDF(A, addZero=True, **kwargs)
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def plotCDF(A, addZero=True, **kwargs): r"""Plots the CDF of the distribution `A`. See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.plotCDF` """ A.plotCDF(addZero, **kwargs)
def plotPMF(A, addZero=True, **kwargs)
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def plotPMF(A, addZero=True, **kwargs): r"""Plots the PMF of the distribution `A`. See also ---------- `DiscreteDistribution.plotPMF` """ A.plotPMF(addZero, **kwargs)
class DiscreteDistribution (xk, pk, name='discrete distr.')
The class implements finite discrete distributions representing discrete random variables.
A discrete distribution reflects a random variable X and is defined by its probability mass function (PMF). The random variable can take discrete values which are defined by the numpy array
(sample space). The probability that the random variable takes a certain value is P(X=k)=p_k . The probabilities are stored in the numpy arraypk
:numpy array
- Values of the distribution (sample space).
:numpy array
- Probabilities corresponding to the sample space.
- Arbitrary name of that distribution.
A discrete distribution is initialized with value range
and probabilitiespk
.For the initialization of a discrete random variable, the sample space
and the corresponding probabilitiespk
are required. Both parameters are then stored as class attributes in form of numpy array (one-dimensional). In addition, an arbitraryname
can be passed to the distribution which is used when printing an instance of the class, see e.g.DiscreteDistribution.describe()
:numpy array
- Values of the distribution.
:numpy array
- Probabilities corresponding to the values: P(X=xk)=pk .
, optional(default 'discrete distr.')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
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class DiscreteDistribution: r"""The class implements finite discrete distributions representing discrete random variables. A discrete distribution reflects a random variable \( X \) and is defined by its probability mass function (PMF). The random variable can take discrete values which are defined by the numpy array `xk` (sample space). The probability that the random variable takes a certain value is \( P(X=k)=p_k \). The probabilities are stored in the numpy array `pk`. Attributes ---------- xk : numpy array Values of the distribution (sample space). pk : numpy array Probabilities corresponding to the sample space. name : string Arbitrary name of that distribution. """ def __init__(self, xk, pk, name='discrete distr.'): r"""A discrete distribution is initialized with value range `xk`and probabilities `pk`. For the initialization of a discrete random variable, the sample space `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` are required. Both parameters are then stored as class attributes in form of numpy array (one-dimensional). In addition, an arbitrary `name` can be passed to the distribution which is used when printing an instance of the class, see e.g. `DiscreteDistribution.describe`. Parameters ---------- xk : numpy array or list Values of the distribution. pk : numpy array or list Probabilities corresponding to the values: \( P(X=xk)=pk \). name : string, optional (default 'discrete distr.') Name of the distribution for string representation. """ assert len(xk)==len(pk) # same length self.xmin = np.min(xk) self.xmax = np.max(xk) # adjust to vector xk without gaps self.xk = np.arange(self.xmin, self.xmax+1, dtype='int') = np.zeros( len(self.xk) )[xk-self.xmin] = pk = name def mean(self): r"""Returns the mean value of the distribution \( E[X] \). Returns ------- float Mean value. """ return np.sum(self.xk* def var(self): r"""Returns the variance of the distribution \( VAR[X] \). Returns ------- float Variance of the distribution. """ return np.sum(self.xk**2***2 def std(self): r"""Returns the standard deviation of the distribution \( {STD}[X]=\sqrt{VAR[X]} \). Returns ------- float Standard deviation of the distribution. """ return math.sqrt(self.var()) def cx(self): r"""Returns the coefficient of the variation of the distribution \( c_X = STD[X]/E[X] \). Returns ------- float Coefficient of variation of the distribution. """ return self.std()/self.mean() def skewness(self): r"""Returns the skewness of the distribution. Returns ------- float Skewness of the distribution. """ EX3 = (self.xk**3) mu = self.mean() sigma = self.std() return (EX3-3*mu*sigma**2-mu**3)/(sigma**3) def entropy(self, base=2): r"""Returns the entropy of the distribution. Parameters ---------- base : float (default 2) Base of the logartihm. Base 2 gives the unit of bits (Shannon entropy). Returns ------- float Entropy of the distribution. """ i =>0 return -([i] @ np.log2([i])) / np.log2(base) def mode(self): r"""Returns the mode of the distribution. Returns ------- float Mode of the distribution. """ return self.xk[np.argmax(] def quantile(self, q=0.95): r"""Returns the q-quantile of the distribution. Parameters ---------- q : float, optional (default 0.95) The parameter indicates that the q-quantile is derived. The default value is `q=0.95` for the 95%-quantile. It must be ensured that \( 0< q < 1\). Returns ------- float q-Quantile (default 95%) of the distribution. """ return self.xk[np.argmax(>q)] def describe(self): r"""Prints basic characteristics of the distribution. This method prints basic characteristics of the distribution. Example ------- >>> A.describe() interarrival_time: EX=5.5000, cX=0.5222, mode=1 """ print(f'{}: EX={self.mean():.4f}, cX={}, mode={self.mode()}, support={self.xmin},...,{self.xmax} ') def checkDistribution(self): r"""Returns if the distribution is valid. Returns ------- bool Return true if the distribution is valid. Returns false if e.g. the values of `xk` are not increasing or the sum of probabilities `pk` is less than 1. """ increasing = np.all(np.diff(self.xk) > 0) # xk: strictly monotonic increasing sumOne = abs(np.sum(<1e-8 # xk: error return increasing and sumOne def conv(self, other,name=None): r"""Returns the sum of this distributions and another distribution. Returns the sum of this distribution and the other distribution. Note that \( A+B=B+A \). The operator `+` is overloaded for that class, such that `A+B` is an abbreviation for `A.conv(B)`. Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution of the sum. name : string, optional (default '') Name of the distribution for string representation. Example ------- >>> A = DU() >>> A.conv(A) # returns A+A >>> DiscreteDistribution.conv(A,A) # returns A+A >>> A+A # returns A+A Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Sum of the distributions: `self+other`. """ s = f'{}+{}' if name is None else name pk = np.convolve(, xk = np.arange(self.xmin+other.xmin, self.xmax+other.xmax+1) return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s) def convNeg(self, other, name=None): r"""Returns the difference of two distributions. Returns the difference of this distribution and the other distribution. The operator `-` is overloaded for that class, such that `A-B` is an abbreviation for `A.convNeg(B)`. Parameters ---------- B : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution to be substracted from this distribution. name : string, optional (default '') Name of the distribution for string representation. Example ------- >>> A = DU() >>> A.convNeg(A) # returns A-A >>> DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(A,A) # returns A-A >>> A-A # returns A-A Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Difference of the distributions: `self-other`. """ s = f'{}-{}' if name is None else name pk = np.convolve(,[::-1]) xk = np.arange(self.xmin-other.xmax, self.xmax-other.xmin+1) return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s) def pi_op(self, m=0, name=None): r"""Applies the pi-operator (summing up probabilities to m) and returns the resulting distribution. The pi-operator truncates a distribution at the point \(X=m\) and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass \( P(X\leq m) \) is assigned to the point \(X=m\), while all other probabilities are set to zero for \(X<m\). The default operation is to delete all negative values and assigning the probability mass of negative values to \(X=0\). Hence, the default value is \(m=0\) and in this case \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i)\), while the probabilites for all negative values are set to zero \(P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0\) for the resulting distribution \(X'\). The rest of the distribution \(i>0 \) is not changed. In general: \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^m P(X=i)\). Hence, for a distribution \(x(k)=P(X=k) \), the pi-operator works as follows: $$ \pi_m \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases} 0 & k < m \\ \sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^m x(i) & k= m \\ x(k) & k > m \\ \end{cases} $$ Parameters ---------- m : integer The truncation point at which probabilities are summed up. name : string, optional (default 'pi_m(') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Truncated distribution. """ s = f'pi_{m}({})' if name is None else name if m <= self.xmin: = s return self elif m >= self.xmax: return DiscreteDistribution([m],[1],name=s) else: #s = f'pi_{m}({})' if name is None else name k = np.searchsorted(self.xk,m) xk = np.arange(m, self.xmax+1) pk = np.zeros(len(xk)) pk[0] = np.sum([0:k+1]) pk[1:] =[k+1:] return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s) def pi0(self, name=None): r"""Applies the pi-operator (truncation of negative values, summing up probabilities ) and returns the resulting distribution. The pi0-operator truncates the distribution at 0 and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass of negative values is assigned to 0. For the resulting distribution \(X'\), it is \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i)\), while the probabilites for all negative values are set to zero \(P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0\). The rest of the distribution \(i>0 \) is not changed. $$ \pi_0 \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases} 0 & k < 0 \\ \sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^0 x(i) & k= 0 \\ x(k) & k > 0 \\ \end{cases} $$ Parameters ---------- name : string, optional (default 'pi0(') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Truncated distribution. See also ------- Generalized truncation `DiscreteDistribution.pi_op` """ s = f'pi0({})' if name is None else name return self.pi_op(m=0, name=s) def jsd(self, other ): r"""Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance of the two distributions. Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance which is the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence: [Wikipedia: Jensen-Shannon distance]( Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution. Returns ------- float Jensen-Shannon distance. """ xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin) xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) M = (self.pmf(x)+other.pmf(x))/2 # Kullback-Leibler divergence D(P||M) Px = self.pmf(x) i = (M>0) & (Px>0) DPM = np.sum(Px[i]*np.log2(Px[i]/M[i])) Qx = other.pmf(x) i = (M>0) & (Qx>0) DQM = np.sum(Qx[i]*np.log2(Qx[i]/M[i])) return np.sqrt(DPM/2+DQM/2) # total variation distance def tvd(self, other ): r"""Returns the total variation distance of the two distributions. Computes the total variation distance: [Wikipedia: Total variation distance]( Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution. Returns ------- float Total variation distance. """ xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin) xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) return np.sum(np.abs(self.pmf(x)-other.pmf(x)))/2 # EMD def emd(self, other ): r"""Returns the earth mover's distance of the two distributions. Implements the earth mover's distance: [Wikipedia: Total variation distance]( Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution. Returns ------- float Earth mover's distance. """ xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin) xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) return np.sum(np.abs(self.cdf(x)-other.cdf(x))) def _trim(self, m, normalize=True): r"""Truncates the distribution from left and right side. The operation uses the minimum and maximum of the values m and truncates the distribution to this range. It changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk`. Parameters ---------- m : numpy array of boolean values The first and the last True value in the array are used to truncate the distribution. normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ kmin = m.argmax() kmax = m.size - m[::-1].argmax()-1 #A.xmin = np.min(xk) #A.xmax = np.max(xk) self.xk = self.xk[kmin:kmax+1] =[kmin:kmax+1] self.xmin = self.xk[0] self.xmax = self.xk[-1] if normalize: /= return def trim(self, normalize=True): r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities. The trim-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities. This distribution object is therefore changed. Parameters ---------- normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ m =!=0 self._trim(m, normalize) return def trimPMF(self, eps=1e-8, normalize=True): r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities below a certain threshold. The trimPMF-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities which are less than `eps`. This distribution object is therefore changed. Parameters ---------- eps : float Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ m =>eps #!=0 self._trim(m, normalize) return def trimCDF(self, eps=1e-8, normalize=True): r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing cumulative probabilities below a certain threshold. The trimCDF-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing cumulative probabilities which are less than `eps`. This distribution object is therefore changed. Parameters ---------- eps : float Threshold which leading or trailing cumulative probabilities are to be removed. normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ m =>eps #!=0 self._trim(m, normalize) return # this is an unnormalized distribution: # conditional distribution if normalized # sigmaLT = sigma^m: takes the lower part ( k < m ) of a distribution def sigmaTakeLT(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True): r"""Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result. The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution. `sigmaTakeLT` implements the \(\sigma^m\)-operator which sweeps away the upper part \(k\geq m\) and takes the lower part \(k < m \). The distribution is therefore truncated. The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities is less than one: $$\sigma^m[x(k)] = \begin{cases} x(k) & k<m \\ 0 & k \geq m \end{cases} $$ The parameter `normalized` (default True) indicates that a normalized distribution (conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one. The parameter `m` indicates at which point the distribution is truncated. Parameters ---------- m : integer Truncation point. The lower part \(k < m \) of the distribution is taken. name : string, optional (default 'sigma^{m}({})') Name of the distribution for string representation. normalized : bool If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the truncated range are returned. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for \(k < m \). Raises ------ ValueError If m is less than the smallest value xmin of this distribution. """ #assert m<xk[-1] s = f'sigma^{m}({})' if name is None else name if m<=self.xk[0]: if normalized: raise ValueError('sigmaLT: m < min(xk)') else: return DiscreteDistribution([m], [0], name=s) if m>self.xk[-1]: return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk,, name=s) last = np.searchsorted(self.xk, m, side='right')-1 xk=self.xk[:last] if normalized: prob_Dist_U_lt_m =[:last].sum()[:last] / prob_Dist_U_lt_m else:[:last] return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s) # this is an unnormalized distribution: # conditional distribution if normalized def sigmaTakeGEQ(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True): r"""Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result. The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution. `sigmaTakeGEQ` implements the \(\sigma_m\)-operator which sweeps away the lower part \(k < m \) and takes the upper part \( k \geq m \). The distribution is therefore truncated. The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities is less than one: $$ \sigma_m[x(k)] = \begin{cases} 0 & k<m \\ x(k) & k \geq m \end{cases} $$ The parameter `normalized` (default True) indicates that a normalized distribution (conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one. The parameter `m` indicates at which point the distribution is truncated. Parameters ---------- m : integer Truncation point. The upper part \(k\geq m\) of the distribution is taken. name : string, optional (default 'sigma_{m}({})') Name of the distribution for string representation. normalized : bool If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the truncated range are returned. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for \(k \geq m \). """ s = f'sigma_{m}({})' if name is None else name #assert m>=self.xk[0] if m>self.xk[-1]: if normalized: raise ValueError('sigmaGEQ: m > max(xk)') else: return DiscreteDistribution([m], [0], name=s) first = np.searchsorted(self.xk, m, side='left') xk=self.xk[first:] if normalized: prob_Dist_U_geq_m =[first:].sum()[first:] / prob_Dist_U_geq_m else:[first:] return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s) def pmf(self, xi): r"""Probability mass function at xi of the given distribution. Parameters ---------- xi : numpy array or integer Quantiles. Returns ------- numpy array of float Probability mass function evaluated at xi. """ #myxk = np.arange(self.xmin-1, self.xmax+2) #mypk = np.hstack((0,, 0)) if type(xi) is not np.ndarray: if type(xi) is list: xi = np.array(xi) else: xi = np.array([xi]) i = np.where( (xi>=self.xmin) & (xi<=self.xmax) )[0] mypk = np.zeros(len(xi)) if len(i)>0: mypk[i] =[np.searchsorted(self.xk, xi[i], side='left')] return mypk def cdf(self, xi): r"""Cumulative distribution function at xi of the given distribution. Parameters ---------- xi : numpy array or integer Quantiles. Returns ------- numpy array of float Cumulative distribution function evaluated at xi. """ #myxk = np.arange(self.xmin-1, self.xmax+2) #mypk = np.hstack((0,, 0)) PK = if type(xi) is not np.ndarray: if type(xi) is list: xi = np.array(xi) else: xi = np.array([xi]) i = np.where( (xi>=self.xmin) & (xi<=self.xmax) )[0] mypk = np.zeros(len(xi)) mypk[xi>=self.xmax] = 1 if len(i)>0: mypk[i] = PK[np.searchsorted(self.xk, xi[i], side='left')] return mypk def plotCDF(self, addZero=True, **kwargs): r"""Plots the cumulative distribution function of this distrribution. Parameters ---------- addZero : bool (default True) If true the zero point will be explicitly plotted, otherwise not. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to `Matplotlib.pyplot.step`. Returns ------- None """ if addZero and self.xk[0]>=0: x = np.insert(self.xk,0,0) y = np.insert(,0,0) else: x, y = self.xk, x = np.append(x, x[-1]+1) Y = np.append(y.cumsum(), 1) plt.step(x, Y, '.-', where='post', **kwargs) def plotPMF(self, **kwargs): r"""Plots the probability mass function of this distrribution. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to `Matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- None """ plt.plot(self.xk,, '.-', **kwargs) def conditionalRV(self, condition, name=None, normalized=True): r"""Returns the normalized or unnormalized conditional random variable. Parameters ---------- condition : function Applies the function `condition` to match the corresponding values of the distribution. name : string, optional (default '{}') Name of the distribution for string representation. normalized : bool (default True) If true returns a normalized distribution. If false returns the original probabilities for the range where the condition is true. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns the conditional distribution for which the condition (applied to `xk`) is true. The resulting distribution is normalized if the paraemter `normalized` is true. Raises ------ ValueError If the condition is not fulfilled for any value `xk` """ s = f'{}|condition' if name is None else name which = condition(self.xk) Apk =[which] Axk = self.xk[which] if normalized: if Apk.sum()==0: raise ValueError('conditionalRV: condition is not possible!') return DiscreteDistribution(Axk, Apk/Apk.sum(), name=s) else: return DiscreteDistribution(Axk, Apk, name=s) def normalize(self): r"""Normalizes this random variable. This method changes this discrete distribution and ensures that the sum of probabilities equals to one. Returns ------- None """ =,1, = def rvs(self, size=1, seed=None): r"""Returns random values of this distribution. Parameters ---------- size : int (default 1) Number of random values to generate. seed : int (default None) Random number generator seed. The default value is None to generate a random seed. Returns ------- Numpy array Returns numpy array of random values of this distribution. """ if seed is None: seed = int(time.time()) np.random.seed(seed) return np.random.choice(self.xk, size=size, replace=True, # A+B def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other,int): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk+other,,name=f'{}+{other}') elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution): return DiscreteDistribution.conv(self,other,name=f'{}+{}') else: raise NotImplementedError # A+B def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other,int): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk+other,,name=f'{other}+{}') elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution): return DiscreteDistribution.conv(self,other,name=f'{}+{}') else: raise NotImplementedError # A-C def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other,int): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk-other,,name=f'{}-{other}') elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution): return DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(self,other,name=f'{}-{}') else: raise NotImplementedError # A-C def __rsub__(self, other): if isinstance(other,int): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk-other,,name=f'{other}-{}') elif isinstance(other, DiscreteDistribution): return DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(self,other,name=f'{}-{}') else: raise NotImplementedError # -A: unary minus def __neg__(self): return DiscreteDistribution(-self.xk,,name=f'-{}') # +A: unary plus def __pos__(self): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk,,name=f'+{}') # A*b def __mul__(self, b): if isinstance(b,int): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk*b,,name=f'{}*{b}') else: raise NotImplementedError # b*A def __rmul__(self, b): if isinstance(b,int): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk*b,,name=f'{b}*{}') else: raise NotImplementedError # A<B: based on means def __lt__(self, other): return self.mean() < other.mean() # A<=B: based on means def __le__(self, other): return self.mean() <= other.mean() # A>B: based on means def __gt__(self, other): return self.mean() > other.mean() # A>=B: based on means def __ge__(self, other): return self.mean() >= other.mean() # A==B: based on means and threshold comparisonEQ_eps def __eq__(self, other): #if len(self.xk) != len(other.xk): return False #return np.all(self.xk==other.xk) and np.all( return abs(self.mean()-other.mean())<=comparisonEQ_eps # A!=B: based on means and threshold comparisonEQ_eps def __ne__(self, other): return abs(self.mean()-other.mean())>comparisonEQ_eps # returns the number of positive numbers def __len__(self): return len(>0) # A**k def __pow__(self, other): if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk**other, else: raise NotImplementedError # A[x] == A.pmf(x) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): return self.pmf(np.array(key)) elif isinstance(key, int): return self.pmf(key)[0] else: return self.pmf(key) # abs(A) def __abs__(self): pk = np.bincount(abs(self.xk), return DiscreteDistribution(np.arange(len(pk)),pk) def __getExtendedRangeDist(self, xmin, xmax): end = np.zeros(xmax-self.xmax) if self.xmax < xmax else [] start = np.zeros(self.xmin-xmin) if self.xmin > xmin else [] return np.concatenate((start,, end)) # A|condition def __or__(self, other): if callable(other): # A|condition return self.conditionalRV(other) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): if len(self.xk)<10: return f'{}: xk={np.array2string(self.xk,separator=",")}, pk={np.array2string(,precision=3, separator=",")}' else: return f'{}: xk={self.xmin},...,{self.xmax}, pk={[0]:g},...,{[-1]:g}'
def cdf(self, xi)
Cumulative distribution function at xi of the given distribution.
:numpy array
- Quantiles.
numpy array
- Cumulative distribution function evaluated at xi.
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def cdf(self, xi): r"""Cumulative distribution function at xi of the given distribution. Parameters ---------- xi : numpy array or integer Quantiles. Returns ------- numpy array of float Cumulative distribution function evaluated at xi. """ #myxk = np.arange(self.xmin-1, self.xmax+2) #mypk = np.hstack((0,, 0)) PK = if type(xi) is not np.ndarray: if type(xi) is list: xi = np.array(xi) else: xi = np.array([xi]) i = np.where( (xi>=self.xmin) & (xi<=self.xmax) )[0] mypk = np.zeros(len(xi)) mypk[xi>=self.xmax] = 1 if len(i)>0: mypk[i] = PK[np.searchsorted(self.xk, xi[i], side='left')] return mypk
def checkDistribution(self)
Returns if the distribution is valid.
- Return true if the distribution is valid.
Returns false if e.g. the values of
are not increasing or the sum of probabilitiespk
is less than 1.
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def checkDistribution(self): r"""Returns if the distribution is valid. Returns ------- bool Return true if the distribution is valid. Returns false if e.g. the values of `xk` are not increasing or the sum of probabilities `pk` is less than 1. """ increasing = np.all(np.diff(self.xk) > 0) # xk: strictly monotonic increasing sumOne = abs(np.sum(<1e-8 # xk: error return increasing and sumOne
def conditionalRV(self, condition, name=None, normalized=True)
Returns the normalized or unnormalized conditional random variable.
- Applies the function
to match the corresponding values of the distribution. name
, optional(default '{}')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
:bool (default True)
- If true returns a normalized distribution. If false returns the original probabilities for the range where the condition is true.
- Returns the conditional distribution for which the condition (applied to
) is true. The resulting distribution is normalized if the paraemternormalized
is true.
- If the condition is not fulfilled for any value
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def conditionalRV(self, condition, name=None, normalized=True): r"""Returns the normalized or unnormalized conditional random variable. Parameters ---------- condition : function Applies the function `condition` to match the corresponding values of the distribution. name : string, optional (default '{}') Name of the distribution for string representation. normalized : bool (default True) If true returns a normalized distribution. If false returns the original probabilities for the range where the condition is true. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns the conditional distribution for which the condition (applied to `xk`) is true. The resulting distribution is normalized if the paraemter `normalized` is true. Raises ------ ValueError If the condition is not fulfilled for any value `xk` """ s = f'{}|condition' if name is None else name which = condition(self.xk) Apk =[which] Axk = self.xk[which] if normalized: if Apk.sum()==0: raise ValueError('conditionalRV: condition is not possible!') return DiscreteDistribution(Axk, Apk/Apk.sum(), name=s) else: return DiscreteDistribution(Axk, Apk, name=s)
def conv(self, other, name=None)
Returns the sum of this distributions and another distribution.
Returns the sum of this distribution and the other distribution. Note that A+B=B+A . The operator
is overloaded for that class, such thatA+B
is an abbreviation forA.conv(B)
- The other distribution of the sum.
, optional(default '')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
>>> A = DU() >>> A.conv(A) # returns A+A >>> DiscreteDistribution.conv(A,A) # returns A+A >>> A+A # returns A+A
- Sum of the distributions:
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def conv(self, other,name=None): r"""Returns the sum of this distributions and another distribution. Returns the sum of this distribution and the other distribution. Note that \( A+B=B+A \). The operator `+` is overloaded for that class, such that `A+B` is an abbreviation for `A.conv(B)`. Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution of the sum. name : string, optional (default '') Name of the distribution for string representation. Example ------- >>> A = DU() >>> A.conv(A) # returns A+A >>> DiscreteDistribution.conv(A,A) # returns A+A >>> A+A # returns A+A Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Sum of the distributions: `self+other`. """ s = f'{}+{}' if name is None else name pk = np.convolve(, xk = np.arange(self.xmin+other.xmin, self.xmax+other.xmax+1) return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s)
def convNeg(self, other, name=None)
Returns the difference of two distributions.
Returns the difference of this distribution and the other distribution. The operator
is overloaded for that class, such thatA-B
is an abbreviation forA.convNeg(B)
- The other distribution to be substracted from this distribution.
, optional(default '')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
>>> A = DU() >>> A.convNeg(A) # returns A-A >>> DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(A,A) # returns A-A >>> A-A # returns A-A
- Difference of the distributions:
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def convNeg(self, other, name=None): r"""Returns the difference of two distributions. Returns the difference of this distribution and the other distribution. The operator `-` is overloaded for that class, such that `A-B` is an abbreviation for `A.convNeg(B)`. Parameters ---------- B : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution to be substracted from this distribution. name : string, optional (default '') Name of the distribution for string representation. Example ------- >>> A = DU() >>> A.convNeg(A) # returns A-A >>> DiscreteDistribution.convNeg(A,A) # returns A-A >>> A-A # returns A-A Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Difference of the distributions: `self-other`. """ s = f'{}-{}' if name is None else name pk = np.convolve(,[::-1]) xk = np.arange(self.xmin-other.xmax, self.xmax-other.xmin+1) return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s)
def cx(self)
Returns the coefficient of the variation of the distribution c_X = STD[X]/E[X] .
- Coefficient of variation of the distribution.
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def cx(self): r"""Returns the coefficient of the variation of the distribution \( c_X = STD[X]/E[X] \). Returns ------- float Coefficient of variation of the distribution. """ return self.std()/self.mean()
def describe(self)
Prints basic characteristics of the distribution.
This method prints basic characteristics of the distribution.
>>> A.describe() interarrival_time: EX=5.5000, cX=0.5222, mode=1
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def describe(self): r"""Prints basic characteristics of the distribution. This method prints basic characteristics of the distribution. Example ------- >>> A.describe() interarrival_time: EX=5.5000, cX=0.5222, mode=1 """ print(f'{}: EX={self.mean():.4f}, cX={}, mode={self.mode()}, support={self.xmin},...,{self.xmax} ')
def emd(self, other)
Returns the earth mover's distance of the two distributions.
Implements the earth mover's distance: Wikipedia: Total variation distance
- The other distribution.
- Earth mover's distance.
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def emd(self, other ): r"""Returns the earth mover's distance of the two distributions. Implements the earth mover's distance: [Wikipedia: Total variation distance]( Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution. Returns ------- float Earth mover's distance. """ xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin) xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) return np.sum(np.abs(self.cdf(x)-other.cdf(x)))
def entropy(self, base=2)
Returns the entropy of the distribution.
:float (default 2)
- Base of the logartihm. Base 2 gives the unit of bits (Shannon entropy).
- Entropy of the distribution.
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def entropy(self, base=2): r"""Returns the entropy of the distribution. Parameters ---------- base : float (default 2) Base of the logartihm. Base 2 gives the unit of bits (Shannon entropy). Returns ------- float Entropy of the distribution. """ i =>0 return -([i] @ np.log2([i])) / np.log2(base)
def jsd(self, other)
Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance of the two distributions.
Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance which is the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence: Wikipedia: Jensen-Shannon distance
- The other distribution.
- Jensen-Shannon distance.
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def jsd(self, other ): r"""Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance of the two distributions. Returns the Jensen-Shannon distance which is the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence: [Wikipedia: Jensen-Shannon distance]( Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution. Returns ------- float Jensen-Shannon distance. """ xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin) xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) M = (self.pmf(x)+other.pmf(x))/2 # Kullback-Leibler divergence D(P||M) Px = self.pmf(x) i = (M>0) & (Px>0) DPM = np.sum(Px[i]*np.log2(Px[i]/M[i])) Qx = other.pmf(x) i = (M>0) & (Qx>0) DQM = np.sum(Qx[i]*np.log2(Qx[i]/M[i])) return np.sqrt(DPM/2+DQM/2)
def mean(self)
Returns the mean value of the distribution E[X] .
- Mean value.
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def mean(self): r"""Returns the mean value of the distribution \( E[X] \). Returns ------- float Mean value. """ return np.sum(self.xk*
def mode(self)
Returns the mode of the distribution.
- Mode of the distribution.
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def mode(self): r"""Returns the mode of the distribution. Returns ------- float Mode of the distribution. """ return self.xk[np.argmax(]
def normalize(self)
Normalizes this random variable.
This method changes this discrete distribution and ensures that the sum of probabilities equals to one.
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def normalize(self): r"""Normalizes this random variable. This method changes this discrete distribution and ensures that the sum of probabilities equals to one. Returns ------- None """ =,1, =
def pi0(self, name=None)
Applies the pi-operator (truncation of negative values, summing up probabilities ) and returns the resulting distribution.
The pi0-operator truncates the distribution at 0 and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass of negative values is assigned to 0. For the resulting distribution X', it is P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i), while the probabilites for all negative values are set to zero P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0. The rest of the distribution i>0 is not changed.
\pi_0 \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases} 0 & k < 0 \\ \sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^0 x(i) & k= 0 \\ x(k) & k > 0 \\ \end{cases}
, optional(default 'pi0(')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Truncated distribution.
See Also
Generalized truncation
DiscreteDistribution.pi_op``Expand source code
def pi0(self, name=None): r"""Applies the pi-operator (truncation of negative values, summing up probabilities ) and returns the resulting distribution. The pi0-operator truncates the distribution at 0 and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass of negative values is assigned to 0. For the resulting distribution \(X'\), it is \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i)\), while the probabilites for all negative values are set to zero \(P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0\). The rest of the distribution \(i>0 \) is not changed. $$ \pi_0 \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases} 0 & k < 0 \\ \sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^0 x(i) & k= 0 \\ x(k) & k > 0 \\ \end{cases} $$ Parameters ---------- name : string, optional (default 'pi0(') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Truncated distribution. See also ------- Generalized truncation `DiscreteDistribution.pi_op` """ s = f'pi0({})' if name is None else name return self.pi_op(m=0, name=s)
def pi_op(self, m=0, name=None)
Applies the pi-operator (summing up probabilities to m) and returns the resulting distribution.
The pi-operator truncates a distribution at the point X=m and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass P(X\leq m) is assigned to the point X=m, while all other probabilities are set to zero for X<m. The default operation is to delete all negative values and assigning the probability mass of negative values to X=0. Hence, the default value is m=0 and in this case P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i), while the probabilites for all negative values are set to zero P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0 for the resulting distribution X'. The rest of the distribution i>0 is not changed.
In general: P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^m P(X=i). Hence, for a distribution x(k)=P(X=k) , the pi-operator works as follows:
\pi_m \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases} 0 & k < m \\ \sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^m x(i) & k= m \\ x(k) & k > m \\ \end{cases}
- The truncation point at which probabilities are summed up.
, optional(default 'pi_m(')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- Truncated distribution.
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def pi_op(self, m=0, name=None): r"""Applies the pi-operator (summing up probabilities to m) and returns the resulting distribution. The pi-operator truncates a distribution at the point \(X=m\) and sums up the probabilities. The probability mass \( P(X\leq m) \) is assigned to the point \(X=m\), while all other probabilities are set to zero for \(X<m\). The default operation is to delete all negative values and assigning the probability mass of negative values to \(X=0\). Hence, the default value is \(m=0\) and in this case \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^0 P(X=i)\), while the probabilites for all negative values are set to zero \(P(X'= i ) = 0, \forall i<0\) for the resulting distribution \(X'\). The rest of the distribution \(i>0 \) is not changed. In general: \(P(X'=0 ) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^m P(X=i)\). Hence, for a distribution \(x(k)=P(X=k) \), the pi-operator works as follows: $$ \pi_m \Big(x(k)\Big) = \begin{cases} 0 & k < m \\ \sum\limits_{i = - \infty}^m x(i) & k= m \\ x(k) & k > m \\ \end{cases} $$ Parameters ---------- m : integer The truncation point at which probabilities are summed up. name : string, optional (default 'pi_m(') Name of the distribution for string representation. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Truncated distribution. """ s = f'pi_{m}({})' if name is None else name if m <= self.xmin: = s return self elif m >= self.xmax: return DiscreteDistribution([m],[1],name=s) else: #s = f'pi_{m}({})' if name is None else name k = np.searchsorted(self.xk,m) xk = np.arange(m, self.xmax+1) pk = np.zeros(len(xk)) pk[0] = np.sum([0:k+1]) pk[1:] =[k+1:] return DiscreteDistribution(xk,pk,name=s)
def plotCDF(self, addZero=True, **kwargs)
Plots the cumulative distribution function of this distrribution.
:bool (default True)
- If true the zero point will be explicitly plotted, otherwise not.
- Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to
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def plotCDF(self, addZero=True, **kwargs): r"""Plots the cumulative distribution function of this distrribution. Parameters ---------- addZero : bool (default True) If true the zero point will be explicitly plotted, otherwise not. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to `Matplotlib.pyplot.step`. Returns ------- None """ if addZero and self.xk[0]>=0: x = np.insert(self.xk,0,0) y = np.insert(,0,0) else: x, y = self.xk, x = np.append(x, x[-1]+1) Y = np.append(y.cumsum(), 1) plt.step(x, Y, '.-', where='post', **kwargs)
def plotPMF(self, **kwargs)
Plots the probability mass function of this distrribution.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to
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def plotPMF(self, **kwargs): r"""Plots the probability mass function of this distrribution. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments are passed to `Matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- None """ plt.plot(self.xk,, '.-', **kwargs)
def pmf(self, xi)
Probability mass function at xi of the given distribution.
:numpy array
- Quantiles.
numpy array
- Probability mass function evaluated at xi.
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def pmf(self, xi): r"""Probability mass function at xi of the given distribution. Parameters ---------- xi : numpy array or integer Quantiles. Returns ------- numpy array of float Probability mass function evaluated at xi. """ #myxk = np.arange(self.xmin-1, self.xmax+2) #mypk = np.hstack((0,, 0)) if type(xi) is not np.ndarray: if type(xi) is list: xi = np.array(xi) else: xi = np.array([xi]) i = np.where( (xi>=self.xmin) & (xi<=self.xmax) )[0] mypk = np.zeros(len(xi)) if len(i)>0: mypk[i] =[np.searchsorted(self.xk, xi[i], side='left')] return mypk
def quantile(self, q=0.95)
Returns the q-quantile of the distribution.
, optional(default 0.95)
- The parameter indicates that the q-quantile is derived. The default value is
for the 95%-quantile. It must be ensured that 0< q < 1.
- q-Quantile (default 95%) of the distribution.
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def quantile(self, q=0.95): r"""Returns the q-quantile of the distribution. Parameters ---------- q : float, optional (default 0.95) The parameter indicates that the q-quantile is derived. The default value is `q=0.95` for the 95%-quantile. It must be ensured that \( 0< q < 1\). Returns ------- float q-Quantile (default 95%) of the distribution. """ return self.xk[np.argmax(>q)]
def rvs(self, size=1, seed=None)
Returns random values of this distribution.
:int (default 1)
- Number of random values to generate.
:int (default None)
- Random number generator seed. The default value is None to generate a random seed.
Numpy array
- Returns numpy array of random values of this distribution.
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def rvs(self, size=1, seed=None): r"""Returns random values of this distribution. Parameters ---------- size : int (default 1) Number of random values to generate. seed : int (default None) Random number generator seed. The default value is None to generate a random seed. Returns ------- Numpy array Returns numpy array of random values of this distribution. """ if seed is None: seed = int(time.time()) np.random.seed(seed) return np.random.choice(self.xk, size=size, replace=True,
def sigmaTakeGEQ(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True)
Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result.
The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution.
implements the \sigma_m-operator which sweeps away the lower part k < m and takes the upper part k \geq m . The distribution is therefore truncated. The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities is less than one: \sigma_m[x(k)] = \begin{cases} 0 & k<m \\ x(k) & k \geq m \end{cases}The parameter
(default True) indicates that a normalized distribution (conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one. The parameterm
indicates at which point the distribution is truncated.Parameters
- Truncation point. The upper part k\geq m of the distribution is taken.
, optional(default 'sigma_{m}({})')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the truncated range are returned.
- Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for k \geq m .
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def sigmaTakeGEQ(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True): r"""Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result. The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution. `sigmaTakeGEQ` implements the \(\sigma_m\)-operator which sweeps away the lower part \(k < m \) and takes the upper part \( k \geq m \). The distribution is therefore truncated. The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities is less than one: $$ \sigma_m[x(k)] = \begin{cases} 0 & k<m \\ x(k) & k \geq m \end{cases} $$ The parameter `normalized` (default True) indicates that a normalized distribution (conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one. The parameter `m` indicates at which point the distribution is truncated. Parameters ---------- m : integer Truncation point. The upper part \(k\geq m\) of the distribution is taken. name : string, optional (default 'sigma_{m}({})') Name of the distribution for string representation. normalized : bool If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the truncated range are returned. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for \(k \geq m \). """ s = f'sigma_{m}({})' if name is None else name #assert m>=self.xk[0] if m>self.xk[-1]: if normalized: raise ValueError('sigmaGEQ: m > max(xk)') else: return DiscreteDistribution([m], [0], name=s) first = np.searchsorted(self.xk, m, side='left') xk=self.xk[first:] if normalized: prob_Dist_U_geq_m =[first:].sum()[first:] / prob_Dist_U_geq_m else:[first:] return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s)
def sigmaTakeLT(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True)
Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result.
The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution.
implements the \sigma^m-operator which sweeps away the upper part k\geq m and takes the lower part k < m . The distribution is therefore truncated. The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities is less than one: \sigma^m[x(k)] = \begin{cases} x(k) & k<m \\ 0 & k \geq m \end{cases}The parameter
(default True) indicates that a normalized distribution (conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one. The parameterm
indicates at which point the distribution is truncated.Parameters
- Truncation point. The lower part k < m of the distribution is taken.
, optional(default 'sigma^{m}({})')
- Name of the distribution for string representation.
- If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the truncated range are returned.
- Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for k < m .
- If m is less than the smallest value xmin of this distribution.
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def sigmaTakeLT(self, m=0, name=None, normalized=True): r"""Applies the sigma-operator and returns the result. The sigma-operator returns the lower or the upper part of the distribution. `sigmaTakeLT` implements the \(\sigma^m\)-operator which sweeps away the upper part \(k\geq m\) and takes the lower part \(k < m \). The distribution is therefore truncated. The results of these operations are unnormalized distributions where the sum of the probabilities is less than one: $$\sigma^m[x(k)] = \begin{cases} x(k) & k<m \\ 0 & k \geq m \end{cases} $$ The parameter `normalized` (default True) indicates that a normalized distribution (conditional random variable) is returned, such that the sum of probabilities is one. The parameter `m` indicates at which point the distribution is truncated. Parameters ---------- m : integer Truncation point. The lower part \(k < m \) of the distribution is taken. name : string, optional (default 'sigma^{m}({})') Name of the distribution for string representation. normalized : bool If true returns a normalized distribution. If false the original probabilities for the truncated range are returned. Returns ------- DiscreteDistribution Returns normalized or unnormalized truncated distribution taking probabilities for \(k < m \). Raises ------ ValueError If m is less than the smallest value xmin of this distribution. """ #assert m<xk[-1] s = f'sigma^{m}({})' if name is None else name if m<=self.xk[0]: if normalized: raise ValueError('sigmaLT: m < min(xk)') else: return DiscreteDistribution([m], [0], name=s) if m>self.xk[-1]: return DiscreteDistribution(self.xk,, name=s) last = np.searchsorted(self.xk, m, side='right')-1 xk=self.xk[:last] if normalized: prob_Dist_U_lt_m =[:last].sum()[:last] / prob_Dist_U_lt_m else:[:last] return DiscreteDistribution(xk, pk, name=s)
def skewness(self)
Returns the skewness of the distribution.
- Skewness of the distribution.
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def skewness(self): r"""Returns the skewness of the distribution. Returns ------- float Skewness of the distribution. """ EX3 = (self.xk**3) mu = self.mean() sigma = self.std() return (EX3-3*mu*sigma**2-mu**3)/(sigma**3)
def std(self)
Returns the standard deviation of the distribution {STD}[X]=\sqrt{VAR[X]} .
- Standard deviation of the distribution.
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def std(self): r"""Returns the standard deviation of the distribution \( {STD}[X]=\sqrt{VAR[X]} \). Returns ------- float Standard deviation of the distribution. """ return math.sqrt(self.var())
def trim(self, normalize=True)
Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities.
The trim-operation changes the value range
and the corresponding probabilitiespk
by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities. This distribution object is therefore changed.Parameters
normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
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def trim(self, normalize=True): r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities. The trim-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities. This distribution object is therefore changed. Parameters ---------- normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ m =!=0 self._trim(m, normalize) return
def trimCDF(self, eps=1e-08, normalize=True)
Remove trailing and leading diminishing cumulative probabilities below a certain threshold.
The trimCDF-operation changes the value range
and the corresponding probabilitiespk
by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing cumulative probabilities which are less thaneps
. This distribution object is therefore changed.Parameters
- Threshold which leading or trailing cumulative probabilities are to be removed.
- If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
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def trimCDF(self, eps=1e-8, normalize=True): r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing cumulative probabilities below a certain threshold. The trimCDF-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing cumulative probabilities which are less than `eps`. This distribution object is therefore changed. Parameters ---------- eps : float Threshold which leading or trailing cumulative probabilities are to be removed. normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ m =>eps #!=0 self._trim(m, normalize) return
def trimPMF(self, eps=1e-08, normalize=True)
Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities below a certain threshold.
The trimPMF-operation changes the value range
and the corresponding probabilitiespk
by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities which are less thaneps
. This distribution object is therefore changed.Parameters
- Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed.
- If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated.
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def trimPMF(self, eps=1e-8, normalize=True): r"""Remove trailing and leading diminishing probabilities below a certain threshold. The trimPMF-operation changes the value range `xk` and the corresponding probabilities `pk` by removing any leading and any trailing diminishing probabilities which are less than `eps`. This distribution object is therefore changed. Parameters ---------- eps : float Threshold which leading or trailing probabilities are to be removed. normalize : bool If True, the distribution is renormalized. If False, the distribution is truncated. Returns ------- None """ m =>eps #!=0 self._trim(m, normalize) return
def tvd(self, other)
Returns the total variation distance of the two distributions.
Computes the total variation distance: Wikipedia: Total variation distance
- The other distribution.
- Total variation distance.
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def tvd(self, other ): r"""Returns the total variation distance of the two distributions. Computes the total variation distance: [Wikipedia: Total variation distance]( Parameters ---------- other : DiscreteDistribution The other distribution. Returns ------- float Total variation distance. """ xmin = min(self.xmin, other.xmin) xmax = max(self.xmax, other.xmax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax+1, dtype=int) return np.sum(np.abs(self.pmf(x)-other.pmf(x)))/2
def var(self)
Returns the variance of the distribution VAR[X] .
- Variance of the distribution.
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def var(self): r"""Returns the variance of the distribution \( VAR[X] \). Returns ------- float Variance of the distribution. """ return np.sum(self.xk**2***2